AGM/ General Meeting Sunday 16 Feb 2025
Today 40 members of the Assoc came together at BHQ East Lismore (our record was 50 members Nov 24 Meeting) , we had new members attend from Grafton and one of our Port Macquarie members who drove up to attend.
Had a very good presentation on unit history from Graeme Bray, Association and 41st Unit Historian, he talked about why the unit was known in earlier years as the Byron Scottish and the timeline of events. Thanks Graeme who stepped up at short notice.
At our meeting we were able to present John Knight who was made a life member at our November 2024 meeting (but was not presence) with his Life Member Certificate and his exclusive Life Member pin. These pins are numbered and he received no 6. Congratulations to John Knight.
Furthermore the committee had received a life member nomination that was approved and put to the members who approved unanimously , Life membership for Graeme Davis OAM CSM. Graeme has been on the scholarship judging panel for 8 years and on the committee currently. Congratulations to Graeme who receives the exclusive no 7 lapel pin.
The President further recognised PTE Lindsay Alvos and CPL (now SGT) Paul Kohlhagen who have assisted at Assoc meetings for over 10 years, both were awarded an Association Coin
The President presented to MAJ Mark Murray Executive Officer of the 41st Battalion the final item in the Presidents Project, a modern soldier figurine inscribed to the service and commitment of the current serving members of the 41st Battalion.
This will be displayed at meetings with the Lighthorse figurine and our picture frame of history items going forward, "remembering our past".
Major Mark Murray gave the Battalion update for the CO which explained some the training the unit was doing.
We had an update on how the Northern Rivers Military Museum of progressing, on the Association Scholarship and the Association History Room.
A great meeting followed by a BBQ , plenty of new faces with new members signing up today (3) and some old faces that we have not seen for a while.
Overall really good to see everyone attend sharing plenty of stories of past service.
NEXT MEET will be at Chinderah depot Sunday 23 Mar 25
Warren Walsh President

VALE George "Stuart' Johnson ex CO 41RNSWR 1983-85
Association Life Subscriber funeral details

Attention All Members
Association Lapel pin project - we have made a unique and limited edition Assoc lapel pin that has been distributed via meetings and some by mail.
Members have to ask for issuance and we will pay freight just email
with your name and mobile and we will post
End of Year Battalion Weekend - 29 Nov - 01 Dec
A great weekend was had with the soldiers having a section competition on the Saturday and then a "beach theme" party and awards on Saturday night with promotions on Sunday incl SGT Phillips SGT to WO2 and CPL Kohlhagen to SGT.
We had Dallas Ward and Lee Bates and guest Keith Coggins (ex WO1) attend so was great to see these guys come along.
Dallas Ward presented on behalf of the Assoc , Best Soldier, Best NCO trophies (these are for the soldiers to take home as they get a unit perpetual trophy) and handed a Assoc coin to each of the winning section (9 pers).
CO as always very supportive of the Assoc and allowed us to talk about the benefits of the association to the assembled masses with both the CO/RSM thanking the Assoc for their increased support to the unit.
We had a Assoc stand at the event on Saturday night with merchandise including our Assoc coin which always sells well with 4 new members and nearly $500 in sales.
Also issued over 20 lapel pins to members present.
What a year with the last 6 months full on for the association, we have achieved a lot, 55 new members and raised a lot of money for future operations of the Assoc from member sales of merchandise.
Warren Walsh President

Well after a lot of cord the event happened today.
A record crowd of 32 attended , I thought 20 would have been a great result, I was impressed with this strong attendance for our FIRST EVER meet at this location.
Had members come down from Brisbane and all surrounding areas .
We joined up 3 new members for $520 and merchandise of $740 including 10 x polo shirts
Great feedback from all that attended on a great catch up to talk with old friends/mates .
We had Mornos then a depot tour by OC A Coy MAJ Waite ,a great presentation by PTE John Clelland A Coy on Sir Gen Monash, lapel pins for all members issued and photos, update by the President on all the activity we have been driving and the results, 57 new members since 20 May 24 including todays new members and MAJ Waite who updated on training .
Next meeting is at BHQ 16 Feb (AGM /General Meeting ) with the next meet at Chinderah 23 Mar .
Will work on a great meeting/meet for next year for everyone.
Well done to those who attended today, you are part of history , the first ever Assoc meet at Chinderah see picture below
Warren Walsh President

17 Nov 24 - BHQ Lismore General Meeting
Great to see our members responded with the biggest attendance in our 23 year history - nearly 50 members attending (only meeting that would have been close is the inaugural forming of association)
As Andrew McPhee ex CO also pointed out not many meetings you have 4 ex CO in the room (Andrew, Bernie Kronen, Wally Jensen and Tom Harwood).
Maybe record attendance driven by the free entry, food and alcohol not sure BUT IT WAS fantastic to see so many old but new faces at our meeting, you should try and make that a habit I reckon !!!
Even before we started we had our guest speaker CPL Dylan Delcampo , 2024 Association Scholarship winner, this was followed by presentation of the winners and runners up cheques then we launched with military precision into the issuing of lapel pins and photos of each group.
Lapel Pins were a hit and everyone was very happy with their free pin , limited edition and uniquely 41st Bn Assoc, you can't buy these so hang on to them.
Don't worry if you did not attend as I will send a separate email to all members POST 24 Nov meeting at Chinderah to all members advising how you can have your lapel pin posted
At the meeting we had CO Bn update , Bernie Kronen re Scholarship and John Llewellyn about the history room major rejuvenation taking place .
JOHN KNIGHT was made a life member (John is away at the moment so was not present). John is a founding member and was the Secretary of the Assoc for 4 years. Currently the project officer who delivered the WW1 Honour Board replica and the Plaque for the colours at the Garrison Church, he was unanimously approved as a Life Member of the Association so congratulations John (he was nominated by Rod Haydon on 12 Oct and seconded by Jack McDonough).
The new Life Members Board was then unveiled by Jack McDonough and Tom Harwood (Patron).
After that we then had the unveiling of the Presidents Project "Remembering our past" this is a picture frame with badges and items that represent our past from WW1 through to now , it looks great and will sit proudly on the side table at all meetings reminding us of our ties to the past along with the light horse figurine that represents our pre war days. This was done by Brian Pezzutti (Patron) and myself.
Just one more piece to go with the Presidents Project (history) which will be unveiled at the 19 Feb 25 meeting.
A lot happened and it was a great meeting.
ENTRY, LUNCH and DRINKS provided by GOEFF HANNAH's donation which was a thank you to soldiers of the unit for helping him during the floods, thanks Geoff was greatly appreciated by all who attended.
So finally thanks to the committee for their support in putting on this great event especially Lee Bates who manned the merchandise stand , PTE Lindsay Alvos / CPL Courtney Woods for their cooking and SGT Jeff Phillips for sorting many tasks for me on the day and manning the bar , the CO 41 LTCOL Danial Healy who drove down from Brisbane and to everyone who came from far and wide to attend hope you enjoyed the day.
Our Inaugural GOLD COAST MEET will be held at the new Chinderah depot on Sun 24 Nov starting 1000 NSW time so if missed Lismore this will be a good one to attend . We have PTE John Clelland 2nd place Assoc Scholarship giving his Monash presentation , a full update from myself on Assoc happenings and OC A Coy MAJ Callum Waite presentation.
Lots happening at your Association !!!!!
Warren Walsh President

09 Nov 24 Open Day BHQ Lismore
41st Bn had their Lismore Open Day with NSW Police, SES, ADF Careers, ADF empolyer and Reserve support, City of Lismore RSL, Navy cadets and Airforce cadets in attendance.
We set up a Assoc stand with Lee Bates Jack McDonough and John Llewellyn manning whilst I assisted around my duties on the day with the unit.
Ended up selling $600 of merchandise including 17 Assoc coins that were highly sought after by the cadets in attendance and we signed up 3 new members for $350 in membership income.
Was a good day even through traffic was slow all day and plenty of comments that our stand looked very professional from our visitors.
See a few photos from the day attached.
Warren Walsh President

02 NOV 24 - Committee Meeting and History Room Group
For the last month we have started a Wednesday 0900-1200 at BHQ get together . members of the committee and others are welcome where we catch up for a chat and do some jobs.
Thank you to the team that sorted all the books on Sat 02 Nov (Rex & Alan Casson and Ian Ball) and the committee members After the committee meeting.
We received 12 boxes of books from Ian Grimwood that I picked up from Lennox Head on Tues 05 Nov
Wed 06 Nov Alex Rubin Ian Ball and myself sorted the 12 boxes of books a lot of more recent history that the overall collection was lacking so very handy.
We were able to sort all the books and started to put back on the shelves got more then 50% away on the shelves in the History room being pre WW1 and WW2 with books identified that are surplus and we will give away to local nursing homes.
See the legends who worked on Sat 02 Nov below.
Going well thanks for all those who have helped so far including those who started this by helping with packing up all the books.
Warren Walsh President

Military Ball Saturday 12 Oct 2024
After a quick change in venue to the Lismore Workers Sports Club at Goonellabah, being a better fit for the number of people attending 80 pers enjoyed the tunes of the ARMY BAND NEWCASTLE and a feed with plenty of drinks.
We had 22 association members and partners attend with a further 23 unit members attending also Assoc members
The committee approved $400 for the Association members (bar TAB ) with the Regimental Trust Fund (RTF) matching this amount for the non association pers.
We ran a raffle for the RTF on basis 50/50 split on the profits and sold 400 tickets on the night we even run out of tickets and could have sold more !!!
RTF put on a bottle of wine for each table and ARMY BAND NEWCASTLE provided some great entertainment with their new lead singers doing some rock n roll for us (a new capability that was developed just for this event).
We made a very good profit on the raffle that will split with RTF , signed up 4 new members and sold merchandise so the Association made money from the event even after providing $400 across the bar for members, a very good outcome.
On the night the CO talked about the soldiers doing a great job in supporting so many activities and the "unit continually punching above its weight". He also thanked everyones partners for supporting them to serve.
As your President I got to talk about the record number of members now in the Association, nearly $4,000 in support the Association has given the unit this year and promote the raffle.
Was a great venue at the Lismore Sports club with the band doing a great job in providing a first class show, you can always tell how good a band is by the number of people dancing and there was a lot doing so, young and old. A great night, people and band !!!!
Next Association meeting will be Sun 17 Nov at BHQ Lismore and the Inaugural Chinderah Social Meeting on Sunday 24 Nov already organised a guest speaker , we will finalise arrangements for these meetings and get that out to you soon.
Have a good one !
Warren Walsh President

14 Sep 2024 Scholarship contested
Today we had three members of the unit contest for the money and prizes on offer for the 2024 Scholarship.
We had three excellent presentations on leaders who inspired them , topics were as follows
CPL Dylan Delcampo,A Coy, presented in person about Robert Rogers the pioneer of the Rangers
PTE John Clelland , A Coy, presented in person on Sir John Monash
PTE Matt Power , C Coy, presented by Skype on LT Norris a young PL COMD that had to deal with a significant incident at Recruit Training
Three different but great presentations with each presenter reflecting on how these people inspired them and influenced the way they think.
There can be only one winner and that was narrowly CPL Delcampo runner up PTE John Clelland and third PTE Matt Power
All finalists received, a Certificate, a Modern Soldier Figurine and the limited edition 41st Assoc Coin as well as 1st price $1,000, 2nd $500 and 3rd $250.
Our thanks to Richard Crandon who annually sponsors with $1,000 for 1st prize and to Craig Yates who sponsors 2nd and 3rd prizes, our soldiers appreciate your generosity.
A big thanks to the Scholarship panel who gave up their time to judge this year, consisting of Bernie Kronen (Chair), Jim Sneesby, Graeme Davis, RSM WO1 Michael Dowling and myself. Lee Bates provided support by helping set up the room and introduced the presenters. We could not have a scholarship without the panel so please accept my appreciation.
Come along to our BHQ 17 Nov 24 meeting to hear CPL Delcampo's presentation at 1030 was interesting and you will be impressed.
Warren Walsh - President

07 SEP 24 Opening Chinerah Depot
At the invite of OC A Coy Major Callum Waite ,we set up a Assoc stand for the open day, we had a lot of merchandise and Lee Bates, Jason Honeyman , Geoff Tomkins and myself there for the day with 5 members of the Assoc take up the offer of a return bus trip to the event.
At morning tea, CO/ Brig Comd Tom Nairn presented awards to CPL Richards, PTE Alvos , PTE Dyke , PTE Taplin and farewell to Lee Bates.
The after event (1600 onwards) ex members and families were invited in for a BBQ (about 40) this was also a great event. Jason Honeyman was presented his farewell gift and mentioned to the masses that they should join the Association which helped us as well (signed up 7 new members at this event).
The open day generated 200 people through the gate and
we signed up a total of 32 new members on the day being 17 Life Subscribers, 10 x 3 yr membership and 5 x 1 yr membership
Sold out of the new Association Coin that I had just received the day before and I took 20 for the event (still have 80 left)
Sold Merchandise & Memberships worth over $5,000
Discovered the 41st Battalion Pioneers from Murwillumbah who have a face book page which we will maintain connect with
See photos attached with many comments about the professional stand , merchandise.
Worth the effort to organise and deliver this effect for the Association, it surpassed my expectations.
For those not at our last meeting one of the objectives I had set for us was 200 by 25 (200 members by 31 Dec) , with this event we exceeded 200 members.
Warren Walsh - President

MEETING 11 Aug 24 at BHQ Lismore
33 members of the Assoc attended this meeting and what a meeting it was, jam packed.
The line up started with morning tea followed by the Presentation to Assoc members who attended the Freedom of Entry as VIP guests of the CO who received the Battalion Freedom of Entry Challenge coin. See pictures below.
This was followed by the dedication of the Light Horse Figurine to the Northern River Lancers, they were formed in the 1880's and post federation paraded at the Conway St Lismore depot and Casino depots, in these early days if you could provide your own horse and saddle you could join the Northern Rivers Light Horse whereas town recruits joined the Scottish Rifles , these were the very foundations of the 41st with our first CO LTCOL FJ Board coming from the 4th and 5th Light horse to command the 41st Battalion.
This figurine will sit proudly on the committee table at meetings, see picture below
At the meeting President gave an update on the changes being made and the strategy to pursue memberships from the current members of the unit via our new depot reps (Ian Grimwood Lismore, Jas Honeyman Tweed, Dallas Ward Coffs & Mark Adcock Port).
We had presentations from Bernie Kronen on the scholarship contest, John Llewellyn on the History Room, Owen Newell the Northern Rivers Military Museum and CO 41 LTCOL Danial Healy.
You would have received an email from the President with a highlights video of the meeting, if you did not receive ir please email
A great meeting with near record attendance.
NEXT DATES for your calendar
07 Sep 2024 - OPEN DAY Chinderah New Depot 22 Naru St Chinderah 0900-1400 NOT TO BE MISSED
12 Oct 2024 - Northern Rivers Military Ball, the new Lismore Workers club Auditorium , Keen St Lismore. 1800 for 1900 , $70 per head tickets on sale from the club in about a week
Warren Walsh President

NEXT MEETING 11th Aug 2024
We have a great line up for you at the next meeting with a Presentation to Assoc members who attended the Freedom of Entry as VIP guests , a dedication of Light Horse Figurine to the Northern River Lancers and a packed meeting agenda.
JOIN US for the camaraderie and see what changes are happening at your Association
1000-1045 Morning Tea
1045-1100 Presentation to Assoc Members and Dedication to Northern River Lancers
1100-1200 General Meeting including new update from President included work we are doing in the committee room for our members
1200-1330 Lunch
Cost - $7 for mornos and lunch upon entry or $2 for mornos if not staying for lunch
Dress- Association Polo Shirt optional jacket if applic
41st Battalion Exercise the Freedom of Entry Lismore 22 June 2024
What a great event with the unit turning out nearly a 100 soldiers to march and the Army Band Newcastle turning up with 25 members to support the unit.
For the 23 Association members and their partners /family and carers who took up the offer of VIP seats to watch the parade from the best seats in the house to the after event at BHQ was a great day.
I also saw many Association members in the crowd and some who turned up at the Barracks post the event.
There were many conversations about the past Freedom of entry in different towns and past service , a very successful event for the unit and the Association.
The soldiers of the unit received a special limited edition coin for their participation in the event, picture below.
Thank you to the CO LTCOL Danial Healy for his invite to the Association to take up VIP seats beside the dias.
From all the members of the association thank you to those who attended and to the unit members of 41st Battalion who put on a great display of professional soldiering.
Regards Warren Walsh - President
VIDEO OF THE 41st BATTALION MARCHING OFF PARADE "Bayonets fixed , band playing, drums beating and Colours playing"
![]() |
FOE 22 Jun 24 marching off parade.mp4 Size : 10905.853 Kb Type : mp4 |

HISTORY ROOM Working Group 01 Jun 2024
On Saturday 1st 8 members of the Association meet at BHQ Lismore to work on the History Room collection.
Members were able to pack up most of the books from the shelves in order to allow us to rearrange so that we will have more room and a better area to work in.
Our project to photograph the books and items and put up on the website is ongoing and we will get to that as soon as the reorganise the area and refurbish.
The members had a lunch and a good chat, after all its not all about the work, was great to catch up with everyone on the day
Next group will be 6th July come along if you have some time 0900-1200, plenty to do
Regards Warren Walsh President

MEETING 19 May 2024 - at BHQ 1000-1330
We had a great guest speaker , WO2 Josh Scott from A coy give us a very good brief about his time with Rifle Company Butterworth .
This was followed by our general meeting . Norm Claphan our President advised that he would be standing down as at 20 May. we wish him good fortune and health going forward after a 14 year term as President of the Assoc. The Secretary Warren Walsh read a statement about his commitment and service to the organisation.
Jack McDonough advised that the committee had appointed the following members to these casual positions
Warren Walsh Secretary to President
Mark Murray (current XO 41)
Secretary Lee Bates (Ex OPSWO 41)Treasurer
John Knight, John Llewellyn, Graeme Davis and RSM WO1 Michael Dowling are continuing as part of the committee
We had updates from John Llewellyn on the History Room , now meeting the 1st sat of each month with a clear purpose now, next working group is 01 Jun 24.
A new scholarship winners board was unveiled by Craig Yates, Rod Haydon and Norm Clapham, the cost of this board was donated by Richard Crandon (much appreciated Richard)
LTCOL Danial Healy, CO 41 gave a great presentation on the current training happening at the unit.
President of the Northern Rivers Military Museum, Owen Newell spoke of the changes and updates happening at the Casino facility. Warren Walsh gave updates on the Internet site, Assoc depot Reps, Treasurers report.
THIS IS THE FIRST EVER MEETING we recorded and have done a HIGHLIGHTS VIDEO that was sent out to all members via email have a look when you have some time as was a good summary of the event.
We had 2 new members sign up on the day and was a full and interesting meeting , COME ALONG to our next meeting on 18 AUG you will notice some BIG CHANGES as we move to recognise some members , NOT TO BE MISSED 18 Aug at BHQ.
All the best Warren Walsh President

As we remember the men and women who have served their country on ANZAC Day this year the 41st Battalion continued the tradition of providing over 20 Catafalque parties and speakers to services from Tweed Heads to Old Bar in the south.
Members of the Association matched as part of the City of Lismore RSL Branch service with many members of the association attending there local services be the dawn or morning service.
Some pictures of services across the region featuring 41st Battalion and Association members.

History Room Working Group - Sat 02 Mar 2024
A great roll up to with a record breaking 8 pers attending the inaugural working group (on a Saturday).
At 0900 the section crossed the LD clearing the trenches including completion of essential tasks like rearrangement of the plaques, mounting medals, imaging items and cataloguing nearly 100 books.
Reinforcements in the form of CPL Kohlhagen appeared at the exact time when we needed specialist support in the form of a drill and glue gun to overcome some obstacles.
At 1130 having taken the trenches and achieved the mission the group had a well deserved lunch break , provided courtesy of the Association, cooked by Warren Walsh in his skillet pan after discovering there was no BBQ available , never a dull moment .
Here is a picture of the winning section .
From Left to right Front Row Kevin Cheetham, Norm Clapham, Alan Casson, Ian Ball, Rex Casson
Back Row Warren Walsh, Rod Haydon and John Llewellyn

AGM/ Gen Meeting at NRMM 18 Feb 2024
About 35 members of the Association completed the annual pilgrimage to the Northern rivers Military Museum to conduct the AGM and General Meeting.
Thank you to Owen Newell and his team for assisting with what has become a annual event. At the meeting discussed the updates to the website, confirmation of committee member positions and an address by the RSM 41RNSWR WO1 Dowling about soldier.
Also announced was the resignation of Rod Haydon from the committee, Rod has been a main stay of committee over many years and his dedication to servicing the members of the Association is greatly appreciated, we wish him well.
Members were bedazzled with the amount and quality of displays and the amount of work done to transform the old drill hall into a show piece of Northern rivers military history.
The meeting was followed by BBQ lunch cooked by PTE Graeme Bray. A great meeting and venue to kick of the year

Meeting BHQ Lismore 19 Nov 23
Our last meeting of the year was held at BHQ Lismore and about 40 members of the association attended.
Our Scholarship winner PTE Matt Burford presented a pre recorded scaled down version of his winning presentation to the assembled masses then this was followed by a presentation of the winners cheque , $1,000 to Major Mark Murray (on behalf of Matt Burford).
We were fortunate that Richard Crandon, who generously donates $1,000 annually to fund 1st prize was present to participate along with Craig Yates who donates 2nd and 3rd prizes, to both Richard and Craig the soldiers of 41st Battalion and the Association appreciate your ongoing support.
Major Murray gave the Battalion update, with updates from John Llewellyn on the History room. Owen Newell about the Northern Rivers Military Museum, John Knight completion of the Battalion Colours project and Rod Haydon on the Association Scholarship.
At the meeting we discussed the internet site and continued works to improve the members only section.
A good meeting to end the year.
Our 2024 Meeting Schedule
18 Feb – Northern Rivers Miliary Museum CASINO
19 May - Byron Barracks Lismore
18 Aug - Byron Barracks Lismore
24 Nov - Byron Barracks Lismore

Dedication, Blessing & Recitl Plaque Service -Sunday 12 Nov 23 - 0900
Thank you to John Knight (Project Officer) who has been liaising with the Parish Secretary to organise this event as part of the Church Remembrance Day Service. The event was well patronised by Association members including several ex CO & RSM's
We greatly appreciate the support from the parish and church who have been very supportive in organising this event.
Colours history
Colours were presented to the Battalion in 1924.
They have been laid-up as follows:
The King’s and Regimental Colours, 41st Infantry Battalion, The Byron Regiment (1956),
The Queen’s and Regimental Colours, 41st Infantry Battalion,
The Byron Scottish Regiment (1968) and
The Queen’s and Regimental Colours, 41st Battalion, The Royal New South Wales Regiment (1993).

What a cracker of a meeting with so much happening at the Association the highlight award of Life Membership to Rod Haydon (see below)

35 members of the Assoc attended Byron Barracks for the quarterly meeting.
Our guest speaker was MAJ Alex Rubin OPSO 41RNSWR and previously contingent commander for the Thailand Cave Rescue as well as other operational deployments. Alex gave a great talk about his operational experiences and was very well received by the members. We appreciate Alex taking the time out of his weekend to come and talk with us , it was thoroughly interesting and a great way to start the meeting.

John Knight Project Officer update
- Advised that OP Colours Refurb reaching final stage
- John unveiled the finished plaque pictured with Jody Cropp Treasurer
- Plaque will be installed at St Andrews Church in the warrior Chapel
- A ceremony is being planned expected Nov with an official unveiling

John Llewellyn Musuem Room Update
After his update John unveiled the Foundation Members Board that will be displayed in the Bill Thomas (OAM) Room (picture with Jody Cropp Treasurer)

John Llewellyn
Presented to the CO on behalf of Allan (Jacko) Jackson a gift to be displayed in the Byron All ranks mess.

Northern Rivers Military Museum Owen Newell update
- Owen Newell (pictured) advised that a new cabinet similar to the ones in the Sterling Room at BHQ had been installed and the plan was to display all the medals they have therein.
- 2 Bn toured Vietnam 1967-68 Reunion 11-14 Sep 2023
- Vietnam Vets service will be held at the Memorial Walk
- NRMM general meeting 26 Aug 23

Members approved LIFE MEMBERSHIP for Rod Haydon
One of the most satisfying items was that Rod Haydon was overwhelmingly approved for Life Membership joining only 3 other members of the association to be granted this distinction. His citation for this award read as follows , well done Rod !!!
Citation for Life membership - Rod is a founding member of the association and has been an on the Association committee for over 18 years, he has made an outstanding contribution to preserving the unit history, is a consistent attender at all Association events and has completed many committee projects and tasks over his time. His drive to execute the Association Scholarship since inception has been noteworthy and benefited the members of the 41st Battalion.

On Saturday 12th August 5 finalists, all soldiers from the 41st Battalion contested the 41st Infantry Battalion Association Inc Scholarship.
This was a record number of finalists and shows how the word of the scholarship has spread amongst the soldiers of the unit, next year expect to break the record for number of applicants.
As a reminder the Scholarship apps close 30 Jun and is open for any soldier posted to 41RNSWR, PTE to LT or a CSSB soldier posted to 41 depot location.
All but one finalist was able to present in person in front of the ASP (Association Scholarship Panel) at BHQ Lismore during a scheduled training weekend.
The ASP consists of from left LTCOL Healy (CO 41RNSWR), WO1 Dowling (RSM 41RNSWR) , Jim Sneesby, Rod Haydon (Chairman) and Graeme Davis (Assoc member).

It was a very close contest and all presentations were of very high quality.
PTE Dyke (finalist) spoke on how the RSM Army inspired her in her career.
PTE Lang (Finalist) picked GEN Sir William Birdwood from WW1 and how the lessons learnt could be applied today.
LT Stelling (3rd) picked Ukrainian President Zelenskyy and explained how his leadership inspired a country via videolink.
CPL Vincent (2nd) spoke about GEN MacArthur from WW2.
Our winner PTE Burford gave an excellent presentation and Q&A at the end on Ukrainian General Zaluzhnyi.
Very interesting and different presentations, styles and delivery methods but really showed the quality of the soldiers, noting here most were not NCO's and this was their first presentations in front of a panel where they had questions asked at the end of their presentations.
The Scholarship certainly achieved the objective of helping build confidence for the finalists so that they can go on and be the future leaders of the organisation. All finalists except 1st prize winner can reapply next year and apply the lessons learnt to their presentations.
The WINNER will receive a scholarship of $1,000 (sponsored by Mr Richard Crandon) with 2nd,3rd prizes being $500 and $250 respectively sponsored by Craig Yates. The President of the Association expresses his thanks to Richard and Craig for making this possible.
Picture below of the members who presented in person from left PTE Lang (finalist) , PTE Dyke (finalist), CPL Vincent (2nd) and PTE Burford (1st) with LT Stelling (3rd) presenting via videolink (Pictured below)

Thank you to Rod Haydon who chaired the Association Panel and then presented awards to the winners later that day

Meeting 21 May 2023 BHQ Lismore
On 21st May about 30 members of the association assembled at BHQ Lismore for the quarterly meeting followed by lunch.
Although we did not have a guest speaker at this event we had morning tea followed by the meeting.
Was a great catch up and seems many tales of past deeds told over a few cold ones.

ANZAC Day 2023
The 41st Battalion supported over 40 ANZAC tasks from Tweed Heads to Port Macquarie, a great job done by the soldiers of the unit representing Army on this special day.
Members of the association marched or paid tribute in their own way , in their local areas, picture below of the members marching in Lismore .

Meeting 19 Feb 2023 - AGM at NRMM Casino
About 35 member of the association meet at Casino at the Northern Rivers Military Museum for the AGM and General Meeting.
Members toured the museum and the memorial walk (great job done by the Casino Council and a big investment in the local community) AGM and Geneal meeting were held with the committee elections held , the following members have been elected to represent the members for 3 years
President - Norm Clapham MBE
Vice President - Jack McDonough
Treasurer - Jody Cropp
Secretary -Warren Walsh
Scholarship Officer - Rod Haydon
Committee - Arthur Thurgood
Project Officer - John Knight
A credit to Owen Newell and his staff for a great job on the displays and the whole museum looks great .

Congratulations to all our finalists, a great contest and results were very close .
Thank you to the judging panel Graeme Davis, Mark Murray (XO) , Rod Haydon , Jim Sneesby (Indepenent member) Alex Rubin (OPSO)
Winner for 2022 is Ned Povah (A Coy)
Runner up George Lane (C Coy)
Our winner receives $1,000 proudly provided by Richard Crandon annually and runner up $500 , prize for 2nd and 3rd has been funded by Craig Yates for 2022-2026, a special thank you from our soldiers for your generous donations that benefit our soldiers .

ASSOCIATION Announces 2022 Scholarship Finalists to contest the Scholarship on 20 Sep 22
We are very pleased to advise the THREE Finalists for the Association scholarship this year , who will contest the award on Tuesday 20th Sept 2022 .
CONGRATULATIONS on being selected as the finalists for the scholarship this year.
Best wishes and good luck on your presentation.
The association scholarship finalists need to present a 15 min presentation on a inspiring leader to a panel of defence members , there is a prize for 1st to 3rd position and a rewards members of the unit for their ongoing commitment and leadership.
Prize money is sponsored by two members of the association
NEXT MEETING Sunday 20 Nov 22
BHQ Lismore NOT TO BE MISSED !!!!!
SPECIAL GUEST - Scholarship Winner and presentation of cheque
Special Christmas lunch for members (well a excuse to have Christmas early call it Christmas in Nov)- no change to cost $5 per head
1000-1030 Morning tea (gold coin donation)
1030-1100 Guest Speaker
1100-1200 Association General Meeting
1200-1400 Lunch
Will be a great event don't miss it !!!!
About 30 members of association attended the Byron Barracks for our quarterly meeting.
More to follow
Certificate of appreciation - Geoff Hannah
Thank you to Geoff who generously donated to the association in recognition of the support
provided by 41st Battalion (OP Flood Assist personnel)
We appreciate the gesture and will ensure the funds are used to help members of the unit
Rod Haydon (Committee member) presenting the certificate to Geoff
28 Feb 2022 Lismore Flood Event
On 28th Feb 2022 Lismore suffered the lastest flood on record , at 14.4m it was higher then the previous biggest floods in 1954 and 1974 that were 12.11m.
Widespread flooding occurred including in East Lismore that normally does not flood with surrounding townships inundated.
Members of the 41st Battalion were already on duty before the peak of the flood and assisting in the community. Many choose to serve despite knowing that their own houses would be inundated .
With so many of our family, friends and people we did not know affected it was great to see a community come together to help neighbours , strangers and everyone because all were in the same position , most lost large amounts of personal belongings. The scene in the streets post the event with houses in the CBD,South,North and parts of East Lismore with no electricity and piles of flood affected belongings on the foot paths in front of houses was unimaginable.
Members of the 41st Battalion were the only army on the ground in these early days supported by aviation assets.
The Federal Government responded by calling in thousands of soldiers (Army,Navy, Airforce) who remain in our AO assisting communities everyday.
As life was starting to return to normal on 29th Mar we had another flood that overtopped the levy wall , reaching approx 11m .
As waters recede and the significant military presence continues to help to clean up out thoughts are with those businesses , families and people affected by these devastating events. See some photos of our military helping out in these times of need.

20 Feb 2022 Northern Rivers Military Museum CASINO
A great day was had by all who attended the first meeting for 2022 at Casino.
Well done to Owen Newell and his team who have created a amazing collection of military history.
About 30 members attended and viewed the museum before the meeting which was followed by a BBQ lunch.
This has become our annual event and is well worth the trip to Casino.
28 Nov 2021- BHQ Lismore
A bit of a change to the usual timings saw many association members attend the 41st Battalion open day that was conducted just prior to our meeting.
There were many exhibits including a building clearance demo , recruiting presentations /stand and emergency service demo (SES and Police) .
The cooks also had a good display of field catering equipment with a lot of interest shown from the public.
Several hundred members of the public attended and it was a great prelude to the actual meeting.
LTCOL Fernandez gave a brief update on the many activities and challenges of training during the last year which was followed by the meeting .
It was great to see everyone on the day , has been a tough year with Covid affecting many of our meetings and lives and a good way to lead into Christmas .
All the best to you and your families for Christmas .
Awarded to Norm Clapham MBE in recognition of service to the 41st Infantry Battalion Association Inc .
Well done and deserved recognition for a lifetime of service.

08 Aug 2021 - Northern Rivers Military Museum
About 30 members of the association took a trip to Casino to visit and have our quarterly meeting .
Owen Newell and his team have done a fantastic job at museum and you could spend hours looking though the extensive range of Army. Navy and Airforce memorabilia on display .
Thanks to Owen for coordinating morning tea and lunch for the members of the Association.
The meeting started with Cr Robert Mustow (Richmond Valley Council Mayor) giving a update on the Drill Hall precinct project , an exciting vision for the drill hall precinct that was to include a memorial walk to commemorate the sacrifice of Australia’s service men and women in keeping with the Drill Hall’s history.
The walk would also serve as a fitting accompaniment to the Northern Rivers Military Museum, located in the original Drill Hall building, and a centrepiece of the refurbished precinct.
It was a jam packed meeting with a lot of changes proposed and approved by the members , some of these included
- Rod Haydon moved that Norm Clapham be awarded Life Member status the vote was 100% in favour. CONGRATULATIONS to Norm a well deserved award
- was approved to amend the Association Scholarship to now reward the Winner $1,000 $500 for 2nd and $250 3rd (backdated to the winners from the 2021 Scholarship) , special thanks to Richard Crandon for providing the funds for 1st prize for this event.
- Eligibility criteria for the Scholarship amended to available to PTE to LT (change from Major)
- all nominations received for the scholarship receieve one year free membership of the association
- General meetings of the Association changed from 4 to 3 per annum (now Feb at NRMM, Aug and Nov)
- Association committee meetings now monthly Feb to Nov offset to meetings.
The meeting concluded with a great feed and further viewing of the museum.
A good day out in Casino was had by all .

27 Jul 2021- Association Scholarship
Association Scholarship is proudly funded by the Richard Crandon in memory of LTCOL Lionel Crandon CO 41
On Tuesday night the ASP (Association Scholarship Panel) convened at BHQ Lismore to judge the 3 finalist for the 2021 Association Scholarship.
The panel consisted of LTCOL Fernandez (CO 41), WO1 McCoy (RSM 41), Rod Haydon (Chairman of the event) , Graeme Davis and Jim Sneesby
The 3 finalist were Pte Juleff (Lismore) , CPL McKinnon (Port) and LT Hudson (Port).
The finalist presented a 20 minute presentation on a military leader who inspired them and why and why should they be granted the scholarship.
The ASP use a scoring criteria covering all aspects of the presentation and it is scored, it was a very close competition with minimal points between 1st and 3rd.
The winner was PTE Julef , runner up CPL McKinnon and very close third LT Hudson.
The quality and vigour of the presentations was outstanding and all finalists are commended for their excellent presentations.
The winner receives $1,000 award with the members of the association approving 08 Aug 21 to approve $500 for 2nd place and $250 for 3rd.
Congratulations go all finalists for your outstanding efforts to make this year's scholarship a great sucess.

From Left CO 41RNSWR LTCOL Fernandez, PTE Juleff Scholarship Winner, Rod Haydon (Association)

From Left CPL McKinnon, OC C Coy MAJ Clifton and LT Hudson
16 May 2021
About 30 members of the association assembled at BHQ Byron Barracks Lismore for our meeting .
Our guess speakers included Col Arnett on Auschwitz followed by Casey Juleff who gave a great presentation on his history project for the Association .
The meeting included discussion about support to the unit , the museum , NRMM update, Vice President , Treasurer and Secretary reports and the exciting opportunity for the museum to assume control of the OR's bar area.
Good to see a growing attendance with plenty of old and new faces at the meeting.
See below for some pictures from the event

Mar 2021
Members of the 41st Battalion quickly deployed in support of their local communities to assist with the mop up operation from the recent floods, although Lismore and surrounding areas not significantly affected areas to the south around Coffs , Port and in the Manning had significant flood damage.
Members of the unit were first in to help with the flood clean up and did a great job in supporting the SES and emergency services in these areas.
Well done to all those members of the unit that answered the call to help the communities from which they live and work in.

21 Feb 2021
About 40 members of the association assembled at BHQ Byron Barracks Lismore for the AGM .
Morning tea included a viewing of the new M40 replacement for the Unimog recently arrived at the unit. A massive vehicle and all the members were impressed with the sheer size and features of the vehicle.
This was followed a dazzling presentation by the RSM 41RNSWR WO1 McCoy then the AGM and general meeting. These meetings included discussion about support to the unit , the museum , NRMM update, Vice President , Treasurer and Secretary reports .
Lunch was prepared by Pte Alvos
It was good to be back in a covid safe environment and seeing the old and new faces at the meeting.
See below for some pictures from the event

15 Dec 20 - Last Parade for 2020
Members of the association (Norm Clapham/Rod Haydon) attended the barracks to participate in the presentation of trophies to members as part of the last parade for 2020.
The Assoc provided several trophies including for "Best CPL" won by CPL Moss from Grafton depot and presented previously by MAJ Murray .
On the night the RSM/CO presented the "Champion Soldier" award , picture below shows CO, PTE Kilroy (Champion soldier), SGT Cropp (A/PLCOMD), RSM.
Picture below of Norm Clapham and Rod Haydon with Pte Kilroy.
The association provided four prizes for these end of year presentations (valued at $400) , well worth the spend to support the current soldiers of the unit who have achieved excellence this year.

Association Meeting (15 Nov 20)
About 35 members of the Assoc met for the final time in 2020.
With only one meeting this year (Feb) due to bushfires and covid 19 was great to see all the familiar faces of our members at the meeting .
The meeting started with a "lucky door" prize for who could guess the tune (Cock O The North), Owen Newell recognised the 41st Battalion marching tune and scored a association coffee cup.
CO 41 LTCOL Susana Fernandez gave a great presentation on the busy year and the many soldiers who deployed in support of Bushfires and Covid 19 ,training regimes and role of the reserve.
Various reports were delivered by the Treasurer, Secretary, Association Museum and North Coast Military Museum.
The meeting was followed by lunch prepared by Courtney Woods.
Thank you to Paul Kohlhagen for his efforts in assisting the Treasurer to set up the event.
All the best for the remainder of 2020.
Rememberance Day (11 Nov 20)
Members of the 41st Battalion conducted a catafalque party in support of the service held at the Lismore Memorial Baths on Rememberance Day.
In attendance was CO 41 LTCOL Fernandez, acting RSM WO2 Bates , Guard Commander SGT Cropp and other members of the unit.

SGT CROPP Ian Grimwood
Association delivers trophies for end of year soldier awards (01 Nov 20)
Although 2020 has been a challenging year the unit has been kept busy with domestic operations , Dec - Feb with OP Bush Fire Assist then in Apr -Oct with OP Covid 19 .
Soldiers have been busy in using their civilian /military skills to support the local communities in which they live.
The association has spent $500 to purchase trophies for Champion soldier for each Company and Best NCO awards .
RSM 41RNSWR WO1 Alex King proposed the newer statute type trophies this year for these awards .
See pics below of the trophies to be awarded .
Well done to all the soldiers of the 41st Battalion who have played a part in helping our communities get through a tough year.
Operation Covid 19 Assist Apr 2020 -Oct 2020
The unit has been kept busy and provided soldiers in assistance of OP CV19 from Apr through to Oct 20 .
During this time soldiers have been deployed to the Victorian and Queensland borders in support of state governments.
This was the official announcement "On Wednesday 1 April, the establishment of Operation COVID-19 Assist was announced.
Army’s efforts to support the COVID-19 response builds on the extraordinary efforts and courage of first responders, maintenance specialists, border force agents and others. Our people are a part of the joint Defence response and will support Government and local communities, Industry partners and many others.
This is Army at its best. Stepping up to help others, to contribute in unique ways, to reassure and protect"
Tues Assoc Museum working bees - Now recommenced
MEETING Sunday 17 May 20 - CANCELLED due to Covid 19 situation
Was to be at Northern Rivers Military Museum
Corner Summerland Way and Stapleton Avenue, Casino New South Wales 2470
More then 40 members of the Association gathered at BHQ for the Annual General Meeting.
Our guest speaker was Private Casey Juleff , a member of the recent Operation Bushfire Assist , he gave a great presentation on the recent call out and what activities the members of the 41st did to assist the SES /RFS services.
His presentation concluded with a question and answer session conducted by Warren Walsh which gave further insight into the operation and he also advised how great the presentation of a Association Medallion to each member of the Op was at the demount of the Op (see separate item about this ceremony under Latest News).
This was followed by a presentation of a Assoc coffee mug to Pte Juleff by Norm Clapham.
The General meeting covered off on
- Treasurers report with amended 5 year plan , the new plan is based off recruitment of 20 new members pa and reduced expenses in line with this to maintain the Assoc financial position at current levels over this period.
- Care packages to be sent to our soldiers on Ops this year, expect to send 30 in 2020- the scholarship , Rod Haydon advised that the CO had agreed to continue in its current form and nominations now open with 41st Battalion Coys expected to have 3 nominations each.
- Unit history update on project to write it from 1984 , ongoing and cant find the right person to write this- Improvements in how we reduce admin and run the museum, to be known now as the History Collection and rather then a whole committee for the museum , John Llewellyn will now represent the museum at the Association committee meeting. The benefit is much less administration and quicker decision making (this amendment was proposed by Rod Haydon).
Tom Harwood acknowledged and thanked the committee for the work done in the last year and raised the point that there are grants for unit history available i.e. to write it.
Members then had lunch with many tales told of past deeds done .
A great day at the 41st Battalion with very good attendance.
The next meeting in May will be at the Northern Rivers Military Museum in Casino.

Association Presents 70 Medallions to 41 Members on OP Bushfire Assist at BHQ 04 Feb 2020
It was with great pleasure that the president of the Association was able to present individual medallions to the members of the 41st Battalion , with the consent of the CO 41RNSWR LTCOL Susana Fernandez , who were about to finish their call out in assistance to OP Bushfire Assist.
Some members were continuing on and supporting the Bushfire effort.
At short notice the association was able to design , produce and deliver these Medallions to the members of the unit to recognise their valuable service to the communities that they live in.
The association took this opportunity to ensure that these members received something they could reflect back on to remember this time in history being the first time the reserve has been called out.
It has been a long time still we have seen three platoons of soldiers at the Lismore depot and was a credit to the unit and the soldiers of the unit who represented themselves throughout the operation with distinction.
A great effort from many members of the unit to help out in a time of national need.
The Association was represented on the day by Norm Clapham MBE and Warren Walsh (Treasurer) .See the medallion as presented and pictures from the event below.

For the first time in history the Army Reserve was Called Out to assist the states to combat the ongoing bushfire disaster, many members of the 41st Battalion answered the call and served on OPERATION BUSHFIRE ASSIST .
In the lead up to this historic action several catering staff from 8 CSSB , being 41st RNSWR ex caterers now posted to 8 CSSB, were cooking for RFS members in Casino.
Many members from the unit answered the call and deployed to assist RFS across NSW with duties including clearing fire trails and generally assisting the RFS and fire brigades in the unit AO.
Three Joint Task Forces coordinated the ADF’s effort:
JTF 646 Victoria: Based on Army’s 4th Brigade, with support elements from across the ADF. RAAF Base East Sale is the central hub for the Defence response in southern areas.
JTF 1110 New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory: Based on Army’s 5th Brigade, with support elements from across the ADF. Holsworthy Barracks is the central hub for the Defence response across NSW and the ACT.
JTF 1111 South Australia and Tasmania: Based on Army’s 9th Brigade, with support elements from across the ADF. Keswick Barracks is the central hub for the Defence response across South Australia and Tasmania.
See below for some public images of the RFS and Defence assistance.

On behalf of the Committee of management we wish you and your families all the best for the festive season.
Be safe and have a fantastic time over the coming break.
See you all in 2020
Meeting Sunday 17 Nov 19
The end of year meeting was held at BHQ on 17 Nov 19 .
A change to the normal format with a early start with a very good presentation from this years Association Scholarship winner LCPL Sobel.Afterwards Norm Clapham , President presented the $1,000 winners cheque to LCPL Sobels .
It was great to have Richard Crandon at the meeting to also congratulate LCPL Sobels (picture below). Richard sponsors the annual scholarship.
Thanks you to Richard for his ongoing support of this scholarship that makes a difference to the soldiers of the unit.LCPL Sobels advised that she would be using the funds to buy a long overdue laptop
This was followed by the general meeting a morning tea and wrap up after a great morning at the 41st Battalion.
All the best to you and your families for Christmas.

Association Scholarship winner announced !!!
The 2019 41st Infantry Battalion Association Scholarship was contested on 20 Aug 19.
The panel consisted of the CO LTCOL McPhee , RSM WO1 King, MAJ Walsh (Chairman) , Graeme Davis (assoc rep) and Cec Harris (Lismore RSL sub branch President) being the independent member of the panel.
LCPL Sarah Sobels was awarded the scholarship after a very good presentation to the panel.
Thanks to Richard Crandon who generously provides the funding for the Association Scholarship .
The Association scholarship continues to help and assist the soldiers of 41st Battalion in a valuable way , with applications already lodged for next years scholarship , expect a lot of demand for this event in 2021 from the soldiers of the unit.

Association Meeting 18 Aug 19
25 members of the association met at BHQ Lismore for the quarterly meeting.
Before the meeting we had LCPL Stanford give a very good presentation on his time whilst on deployment in Darwin (border security).
He gave a confident and entertaining talk and explained the features of his combat uniform that is not worn in barracks to the members of the association.
Good to see a confident and entertaining format from this member of the unit.
At the general meeting items discussed included the first 13 of the association care packages reaching our deployed troops , update on the scholarship ,and various committee reports.
Good to see all the members and guests who attended on the day.
Next meeting 17 Nov 19 at BHQ Lismore where our Association Scholarship winner will present to the members of the association.
Soldiers on Ops receive Care Packages from the Assoc !!
The committee of management are very pleased to announce that our new care package initiative has kicked off with 13 packages being sent to soldiers on operations.
Many of the soldiers contacted CO 41RNSWR LTCOL McPhee to express their appreciation for the package ,pictures will be uploaded soon.
We will continue to issue a care package to every soldier that deploys on domestic or overseas operations , this is a very good use of association resources and directly supports our soldiers that deploy.
The package also has a letter explaining about the assoc and inviting them to conduct a presentation about their deployment at a association meeting.

3-4 Aug 19 - Training Weekend - Coffs Harbour
The Battalion conducted another successful range and training weekend concentrating at Coffs Harbour for the weekend.
The soldiers enjoyed range and concurrent activities with the Association continuing the "Champion soldier" award at every weekend.
CO 41RNSWR LTCOL McPhee presented the award at the conclusion of the weekend to PTE HYATT ( A Coy) with a grouping of 600mm (good shooting) , see Pte Hyatt below.
This is a great way for the association to show relevance to our young soldiers and we will continue this initiative during every training activity this year.
See some images from the weekend training below.

Pte Hyatt Champion soldier for weekend

18 Jun 19
Major MacDonald OC A Company promoting Private Sobels to LCPL at the Tweed Heads depot .
Well done to LCPL Sobels who is also a finalist in this years Association Scholarship.

8-9 Jun 19
The 41st Battalion concentrated to conduct training at Coffs Harbour that including a live fire practice at a local range .
Was a great opportunity for the soldiers to hone their infantry skills. Well done on a good training event .
At the end of the weekend a best soldier award was presented by the CO.
This was funded and made available by the association and is becoming a regular event at the end of every training weekend within the unit.
Firing in progress at the range

CPL Clerkin conducting training test with CO 41RNSWR LTCOL McPhee prior to firing

CPL Clerkin conducting concurrent training

19 May 19
About 45 members of the Association travelled to Casino to attend a viewing of the Northern Rivers Military Museum where we conducted our quarterly meeting.
The day started with a morning tea and viewing of the museum.
Congratulations to Owen Newell and his team for a great job on maintaining the history of military service in the region.
At the meeting members were given a update on the Association Scholarship and the Care Packages we will be sending to the many members of the unit currently deployed.
This was followed by a BBQ lunch prepared by Private Alvos.
The Association would like to congratulate the Mayor of Casino and the Casino councillors on a great development project with the completion of the visitor centre , large parking area and development continuing. A credit to the people of Casino.
An excellent day was had by all , see the pictures below.
11-12 May 19
As part of the Associations plan to better support the soldiers of the unit we have commenced an Award of "Best Soldier " for each training weekend - PTE McVicars pictured here after the A Coy weekend, well done and good soldiering , he received a Viewee Tuee from the assoc.

New CO 41st Battalion Announced
LTCOL Sana Fernandez has been announced as the new CO of 41 commencing Jan 2020.
Congratulations to LTCOL Fernandez from the Committee and members of the Association
04 Apr 19
Lismore Workers Club display or military display
If you are near the Lismore Workers Club have a look at the display that Norm Clapham and Rod Haydon put together for public display.
Brings back memories of times in the field
Will be on display till just after Anzac day

To all soldiers of the unit
Noms are now open and you can register via the "Scholarship Apply Now" tab ....only takes a few minutes and will put you in the running for the $1,000 scholarship that will be contested later in the year.

16-17 Mar 19
16-17 Mar 19
Members of the 41st Battalion attend training recently and are seen here on the range about to qualify on the 9mm pistol.
A great weekend of training and development for the soldiers of the unit.
L to R. Outgoing Association Secretary Mr John Knight, Association President Mt Norm Clapham, Committee Member Mr Rod Haydon, Geoff Hannah, Association Museum Chairman John Llewellyn.
10 MAR 19
Master craftsmen Geoff Hannah opened his world class Hannah Cabinet to several members of the Association and their guests at the Lismore Art Gallery on Sunday 10th March 2019.
Geoff’s presentation unlocked some of the secrets of the cabinet as well as describing the skills and techniques required to complete the amazing work.
Geoff said that sourcing the 34 types of solid timbers and veneers, the 4 kinds of rare shells and 17 varieties of precious and semi-precious stones as well as the mahogany to construct the main frame and the ebony for the columns took many years to accumulate.
Geoff also described his earlier works and their current locations and said that he worked on the Hannah Cabinet for a period of six and a half years using the skills he had learnt in Europe when he was a Churchill Scholar and from constructing his earlier works.
Following the presentation Mr Brian Henry from the Cabinet Acquisition Team that is raising funds to purchase the Hannah Cabinet to become part of the Gallery’s permanent collection spoke outlining the support that the community and business is providing. Mr Henry said fund raising was on target and the Acquisition Team is hopeful of reaching the purchase price by November this year.
Following the presentations Association members and their guest enjoyed some lively conversation during an excellent lunch.
Rod Haydon Committee Member.
17 Feb 19
A great turn out of members for the annual general meeting held at BHQ Lismore with the new morning tea followed by the speaker and then the meeting working well .
Our guest speaker LTCOL Susana Fernandez spoke passionately about her time whilst on operations and what it means to serve in the Defence force with many members mentioning the high quality of her presentation.
We conducted the AGM and reconfirmed the commitment to the 5 Year Plan that is delivering increased support to the soldiers of the unit and welcomed incoming Secretary Mark Murray and new committee member Barry Oaten OAM.
A sincere thank you for a job well done over many years to the outgoing secretary John Knight , your efforts have been greatly appreciated.
AGM was followed by a lunch and a conclusion to the afternoon .
Time well spent at the 41st Battalion.

Feb 19
Members of the unit paraded and commenced the year by conducting a range practice and fitness assessments .
Pic of Major Walsh outlining the benefits of supporting the association with LCPL Moffatt winner of the 2017 Assoc scholarship at Coffs Harbour. Good reception from the assembled soldiers with several interested in the annual scholarship.
L -LCPL Moffattwith Major Walsh as he explains the Assoc scholarship
04 Dec 18
On this Tuesday night BHQ staff attended Tweed Heads depot to witness several significant promotions.
5 Brigade Commander Brigadier Bond attended the depot for a visit and conducted the promotion of Major Fernandez to LTCOL and Captain MacDonald to Major.
Major Walsh (on behalf of the 41st Battalion Assoc) also presented trophies to the 41st Battalion team members who came 2nd in 2nd Division Military Skills comp held in March 2018. Three members were present on the night noting that all members of this team came from A Coy. The remaining members will be presented in the new year.
The outgoing OC now LTCOL Fernandez welcomed the incoming OC now Major MacDonald and presented a plaque to the company containing the new company emblem a sea eagle.
The event concluded with a BBQ (funded by the association) for all members that was very well received.
Great to see a strong presence and a bright future for A Coy with a new depot (land purchased at Chinderah).
From Left - Promotion of Major Fernandez by Brigadier Bond , Promotion of Capt MacDonald to Major by Brigadier Bond, Part of the team that come 2nd in the Mil Skills Comp Mar 18 and Raffle winner (prize was a GShock watch)

01-02 Dec 18 A Coy Training weekend - Canungra
As part of the Associations support to the current soldiers of the unit we have implemented a "Best Soldier" award each training weekend, these are in effect our merit awards and the idea is to recognise a soldier from the weekend that has done a great job .
This is done by the OC and presented on the weekend which means that soldiers see tangible support from the association.
Below is Private Butler awarded by OC Major Susana Fernandez at the end of the weekend .
Well done Pte Butler.
Saturday 01 Dec 18
A Company 41st Battalion conducted their end of year mixed dining in night at the South Tweed Heads Bowls Club .
A great night was had by all , a few notable events
Farewell to WO2 Noel Patterson (CSM A Coy) final night will be 11 Dec 18 after a very long history with the unit , a standing ovation showed how he is thought of by all ranks.
Promotion of CPL Joseph Scott to SGT
Farewell presentation to Training Warrant Officer WO2 Owen Trevorrow
Farewell to OC Major Susana Fernandez
Presentation to ex OC Major Des White (25 year RAINF Certificate)
Presentation of Champion Soldier A Coy by OUR President Norm Clapham MBE (accepted by OC Major Susana Fernandez ) - Norm talked about the support the association gives to the soldiers of the unit and the Scholarship.
A great night was had by members and their partners with a great Company spirit evident .
A Company "Above the rest"

18 Nov 18
About 40 members of the Association gathered at BHQ Lismore for the final meeting this year.
The day started with a morning tea which included scones baked by the 8 CSSB (Combat Service Support Battalion) cook CPL Courtney Woods who was assisted by Tony Schaeffer from the association .
Guest Speaker (see pic below) Ian Bullpitt gave a great presentation on his exploits in the UXO (Unexploded Ordinance ) world with a very interesting presentation about the threat caused by these in overseas countries and his involvement through different programmes.
Some great pictures of how real this threat is in overseas countries and that there could be UXO in the wider areas that were used for training in WW2. Thank you Ian.
Members and guests were given a update on the Association Scholarship , Treasurers report and shown the internet site .
This was followed by a Christmas lunch cooked by CPL Woods and Tony Schaeffer.
Many have commented it was a great day and a record attendance , it appears that the morning tea and guest speaker approach is generating more interest in our meetings .See you at the next one
2019 dates have not been published yet.
Warren Walsh (Webmaster)

17-18 Nov 18
A Coy 41 RNSWR conducted field training at Canungra , a activity over 2 days there the soldiers continued to develop their field skills with fieldcraft including a bayonet fighting course.
See below for orders being given for the start of the activity and a pic of the soldiers after doing some bayonet fighting.
Great infantry weather (poured late Saturday afternoon as they were going off to do their night activity) and lots of big hills.
Does not get better then that !!!!

14 Nov 18
On behalf of Norm Clapham , it is with deep regret that we wish to advise all members the passing of Paul Beer ,one of the founding members of the 41st Infantry Battalion Association , the inaugural treasurer and long time serving member of the 41st Battalion (notably CSM for many years).
He will be sadly missed by family, friends , association members and members of the unit.
From the 41st Battalion Assoc our deepest sympathy .
Requiem Mass for the Repose of his Soul to be celebrated at the Carmelite Monastery,591 Ballina Road, Goonellabah
Monday the 19th November 2018
commencing at 11:00am
in lieu of flowers donations can be made to the upkeep of the Chapel of the Carmelite Monastery.
Warren Walsh (Webmaster)
2 Nov 18
Members from 41RNSWR , community leaders and guests attended the welcoming ceremony at the new home of A Coy (recent purchase of land) at Chinderah.
In attendance was Auntie Jackie McDonald, Uncle Col Watego, Mr Victor Slockee, Mr Dennis Smallwood ,Uncle Geoff Togo, the Elders and also attending was Mr Dennis Jose, founder of Jabin Projects, Mr Darren Jones from Ray White, Mr Calum Pattison, FLTLT Karen McMahon from Defence Force Recruiting Robina & W02 Michael Ali from HQ 5 BDE Indigenous Affairs.
Attending from the unit was the XO MAJ Mark Murray, MAJ Susana Fernandez (OC A Coy) & WO2 Owen Trevorrow (TRG WO A Coy) who hosted and helped setup the handover.
The building process will now commence and in the coming years we will see a new purpose built home for the largest and rapidly expanding company of the 41st Battalion.

Oct 18
It is always exciting to see our young soldiers being recognised for their hard work , it is even better to see individuals recognised for outstanding leadership with awards or being promoted for great performance in their duites. Over the past few weeks the unit has promoted several LCPL and members to CPL as well as other soldier awards.
As a OC or SNCO there is nothing better then seeing the soldiers you command being promoted for their efforts knowing they will go on to lead the next generation of soldiers coming through the ranks, well done to all.
CO 41st Battalion LTCOL Andrew McPhee promoting Pte Gay to LCPL (A Coy)

Major Warren Walsh promoting LCPL Kohlhagen to CPL (BHQ)

CSM WO2 Richard Allison promoting Pte Brown to LCPL (C Coy)

Major Mark Murray presenting 20 year Infantry certificate to CPL Cropp (BHQ)

Major Susana Fernandez presenting soldiers medallion to Pte Platz

Pte Hyett and Pte Platz proudly show off their new soldiers medallion awards

11th Sep 18
Lismore based soldiers conduct a training exercise at the Lismore depot on a Tuesday night training.
This activity was a vehicle check point in lead up training for the Invictus games .
25th Aug 18
Norm Clapham President attended the LCPL Gordon VC Dinner held at BHQ on 25 Aug 18.
Most of the senior NCO and Officers of the unit attended with SGT Jackson giving a great account of VC winners deeds and life. Brig Bond , Commander 5th Brigade and Chief of Staff attended the event.
Aside from support from 8 CSSB (Catering) and the many unit members who acted as stewards the military band was a highlight.
A good night was had with good company with many awards for 20 yrs service (RAINF) presented .
Warren Walsh
12th Aug 18 - ASSOC MEETING - BHQ Lismore
A great time was had and many tales of past deeds told when about 40 of the association members attended BHQ Lismore for the quarterly meeting.
A bit of change in venue with the meeting held in the ex drill hall at the unit, change is better then a holiday they say.
The day started with morning tea with lots of talk happening around the room , see below you might even see yourself in one of the pictures.
The CO updated everyone via a recorded video message , about the Army and unit direction with a quick update by Major Walsh on the latest training happening this weekend with live (well nearly) pics from the event
.Rod Haydon gave a update on the Association Leadership Scholarship and we all viewed Jessie Willsher's winning presentation to the association scholarship panel (video)followed by her thank you speech.
The new WW1 honour board was discussed by Rod Haydon , it is a impressive item and hangs proudly in the Sterling room at BHQ .
John Knight facilitated a preview of Tom Harwood's (as Tom was away at the moment) recent trip to Korea to commemorate the Armistice , some good info and some pics including a picture of Charlie Greens grave site.
Other matters were discussed and we headed off to have a BBQ lunch.
Overall a lot of interesting content , lots of video footage viewed and a good day at the 41st Battalion.
11-12 Aug 18 A Coy Training weekend
As Army continues to evolve training our soldiers are now taught combative skills , not just about being able to shoot but being able to defend yourself in combat situations.
Brigadier Bond Commander 5 Brigade attended the training and is seen here addressing the troops.
Tuesday 7th Aug 18
Private Jessie Willsher (C Company Port Macquarie) wins Association Scholarship and the $1,000 prize ….
A close second place Pte Tim Ellis from BHQ Lismore.
Jessie one of the units Infantry soldiers from Port Macquarie depot presented a compelling speech to take out the 2018 scholarship.
Well done to both finalist and just another way the association supports the soldiers of the 41st Battalion.
Private Jessie Willsher winner of the 2018 Scholarship

Private Tim Ellis a finalist , a close second on the day

Scholarship Panel from Left Norm Clapham, Rod Haydon , CAPT Bligh (Adjutant) and Graeme Davis - CO LTCOL Andrew McPhee via Skype allhard at work judging the contest

41st Infantry Battalion
Association Inc
Proudly sponsored by the Crandon Family

Tuesday7th Jun 18
WO2 Patterson (depot rep for Tweed Heads) presents LCPL Kelleher a merit award from the association for consistent good soldiering.
The Assoc funded a BBQ event at the end of the normal parade night and WO2 Patterson coordinated and presented the award on behalf of the President of the Assoc Norm Clapham.
Just another way the 41st Infantry Battalion Assoc helps to recognise the great work of the soldiers of the 41st Battalion
Well done LCPL Kelleher
Sunday 27th May 18
A great day was had at the Northern Rivers Military Museum (Casino Drill Hall) with many new faces in the large crowd that attended.
Presentations were made by Norm Clapham President to LCPL Paul Kohlhagen , WO2 Noel Patterson (35 yrs service which he pointed out was 37 years) , SGT Ian Cust 40 years service with the Australian Army and to MAJ Mark Murray (CO's representative) being for the Battalions runners up in the recent Military skills competition .
Owen Newell (NRMM) gave an update on the history of the NRMM.
The assembled members were updated on the new association initatives , the install of the WW1 Honour roll at BHQ , the association scholarship and upcoming recruiting activities.
Very good to see many prior Battalion members who do not normally attend .
This was the first time the association has had a meeting outside Lismore and was a great success.
15 May 18 - Assoc Launch at BHQ Lismore
On this Tuesday parade night members of the association attended for the launch of the new initiatives to the members of the unit.
Norm Clapham (President) , Rod Haydon (committee member and Assoc depot rep Lismore) and John Knight (Secretary) attended the event which Major Warren Walsh (Assoc Treasurer and Assoc depot rep for Lismore) being the MC.
After explaining the new initiatives Rod Haydon presented 3 x merit awards, these awards were nominated by the members chain of command for excellent conduct and performance.
Awards were presented to PTE Standford, CPL Woods (cook) and LCPL Kohlhagen .
Association coffee cups were presented by Norm Clapham to all key staff , these were very well received .
This was followed by a presentation to the CO (LTCOL Andrew McPhee) of certificates for the Battalions excellent results in the national military competition (2016 runners up.2017 winners and 2018 runners up).
Overall a great night with several soldiers immediately joining the association after seeing the benefits the association new initiatives.
4th May 2018
Install of WW1 Roll of Honour 41st AIF
The Association has undertaken a project, over several years to remember those who served with the 41st AIF and lost their lives in the great war.
After a lengthy process of identifying exactly how we would replicate the WW1 Roll of Honour which resides in the Crypt, ANZAC Square, Brisbane it was decided to produce a replica of comparable size to the original.Appreciation is expressed to the custodians of the Roll, Brisbane City Council, for permission to create a replica.The project was completed and installed in the Sterling Room, Battalion Headquarters, 41 RNSWR Lismore, on Friday 4th May 2018.
It is impressive in many ways , the size , detail of the print , the colour and number of soldiers who lost their lives and are remembered on this board.
The project was funded by the association from the donation received by the Len Boswell estate .
Thank you to John Knight (Secretary) who did a lot of work in getting this project started in identifying the board , the size and getting the contacts and to Rod Haydon (committee member) who took on getting the work finalised.
The Association engaged a professional photographer who travelled to Brisbane to take the picture and then a printer to print / mount the image and install the finalised product .
Some info about the project - the original is 2500mm x 1380mm – reproduction is 2400 x 1200, print is on vinyl, glued and wrapped on 20mm board to appear 50mm thick. Changed from 10mm in the final weeks of the project – this thing isn’t going to sag or warp. Hung on 3 steel interlocked horizontal frames. A plastic wrapped typed sheet is stuck to the back of the Roll of Honour showing details of the committee, why it was reproduced, who photographed it / printed and hung it and how it was funded.
Certainly impressive and worth a detailed look when you are at the next Association meeting in Lismore or at the barracks.
This Roll of Honour now sits proudly as a testament to the courage and devotion to duty that these soldiers 100 years ago gave their lives for to defend this country.
The soldiers of the 41st Battalion carry on their traditions today.
The Original Honour Roll was unveiled by Colonel F.C. Board (CO 41st Battalion 1916-1917) who made the long journey to Brisbane for the unveiling on the 11th November 1931. After the sounding of "The Last Post", the bronze tablet was dedicated by Reverend A. A. Mills , Padre of the battalion. A special tribute was paid to the fallen of the battalion at the conclusion of the ceremony. The Brisbane Courier, 12th November 1931 It is located at Ann Street, ANZAC Square, Shrine of Remembrance Crypt, Brisbane, 4000

On 4th May 2018 the replica Hour Roll was installed in the Sterling Room at the 41st Battalion Military Rd East Lismore.
A project undertake by the 41st Infantry Battalion Association , funded by the Len Boswell estate (CO of the 41st Battalion 1973-76)

Article about the original Honour Board - Brisbane Courier, Thursday 12 November 1931, Page 13
A special tribute to the memory of fallen members of the 41st Battalion was paid by their comrades at the unveiling of the battalion’s honour board in one of the war museum rooms under the Anzac Memorial at the conclusion of the official ceremony of commemoration.
The tablet was unveiled by Colonel FJ Board, the unit’s commanding officer, who made a long journey to Brisbane for the occasion. After the sounding of the “Last Post” by Band Sergeant FC Rickard, an original member of the battalion, the handsome bronze tablet was dedicated by Rev. AA Mills, M.C., padre of the battalion.The president of the 41st Battalion Reunion Committee (Captain CWS French), in the address which he delivered to the large number of people who gathered for the ceremony, traced the history of the battalion.MAGNIFICENT RECORD.
He said it consisted of men from Queensland and the Northern Rivers of New South Wales. At Square Farm, Armentieres sector, the battalion received its baptism of fire. Its glorious deeds at Messines, Passchendaele, Somme Valley and the Hindenburg Line spoke for themselves. Out of a total enlistment of 131 officers and 1833 other ranks, 13.32 per cent. officers and 15.7 per cent. other ranks were killed, and 45 per cent. officers and 53.5 per cent other ranks were wounded.
During all of its operations the 41st never had one of its members taken a prisoner of war – a remarkable fact in itself, and a credit to the unit. Much of the success of the battalion was due to the fine leadership of the junior officers, the N.C.O.’s, and, lastly, the indomitable spirit of the men. “Our object in assembling here this morning,” added Captain French, “is to pay homage to those members who fell in France – to the unit’s glorious dead, whose names are enrolled in letters of gold on the Shrine of Fame. A committee of ex-members of the 41st Battalion was formed in 1925, and the indefatigable efforts of that body have resulted in the erection of this memorial tablet, which contains approximately 470 names of men who paid the supreme sacrifice.” He conveyed the committees thanks to the city architect (Mr. Foster), who designed the board and supervised its construction, and he congratulated the builders – Messrs. Smith and Sons, a firm of returned men – for their excellent production.
The board was constructed almost wholly of Queensland products, and only ex-members of the battalion or their dependants had contributed to the cost of the erection. The board cost £200, and over £190 had been raised before yesterday’s ceremony.
The cornet used by Band Sergeant Rickard in sounding the “Last Post” was presented to him by the officers of the battalion and was carried by him throughout the whole of the engagements of the battalion.
25 Apr 18 - Anzac Day
The Unit had a busy day with a lot of support tasks across the AO , the soldiers having stayed at the depot locations so they could be up early and get to the many dawn service commitments.
From Tweed Heads in the north to Port Macquarie in the south every one was kept busy on this great day when we remember fallen comrades and honour all those who have served/serve in defence of this country.
More pics to follow
Main service at Bangalow 25 Apr 18

Mar 18 -41st Battalion 2nd Place - 2 Division Military Skills Competition
Each year the units of each brigade conduct a military skills competition , the winner goes on to represent the Brigade at the annual 2 Div Military Skills competition, 41st Battalion won the 5 Brigade event and therefore represented 5 Brigade at the Divisional comp this year
In 2017 the 41st Battalion won the 2nd Division Military skills comp , this year we come in with a 2nd place a great result with the whole team coming from A Coy Tweed Heads .
This is testament to the training and skills of our soldiers with this placement showing they are in the top echelon of their peers.
Well done from all the members of the association.
Posted by Webmaster
2nd Division Military Skills Competition - 41st Battalion Winners Mar 17
Back Row - WO1 Stonebidge (RSM 8 BDE), PTE Melville, Pte Platz, PTE Delaterre, PTE Davies, PTE Delcampo, WO1 Newbold (RSM 41st Battalion RNSWR) Front Row - WO2 Patterson (Team manager), LCPL Amos, CPL Reeves, PTE Blaine, PTE Hyett.

2nd Division Military Skills Competition - 41st Battalion Runners Up - Mar 18
Left to Right– CPL Beasley, PTE Blaine, PTE Platz, PTE Hyett, PTE Dowling, LCPL Kelleher, PTE Melville, PTE Painter

28 FEB 18
41st Battalion hosted the Lismore Chamber of Commerce Business after Hours event at the barracks in Lismore.
A great opportunity to showcase the unit and the skills of the highly trained soldiers . 75 employers attended and aside from the Open day in Jul 17 was the largest public event the unit has hosted .
Feedback was it was interesting , a great event and now a lot of business owners know where the barracks is and what we do to help and support the communities we live and work in.
Warren Walsh
18 Feb 18
Another great meeting with the new engagement and recruitment strategy ratified by the members.
Pte Matt Moffatt winner of the Association Leadership Scholarship in 2017 gave a very good presentation on his military service and the life and deeds of the units WW1 VC winner Bernard Gordon.
We squeezed in this presentation with a annual and general meeting with a lot of issues covered including the WW1 Honour board project being funded from the kind donation of the Len Boswell estate , the 5 Year Plan for the association and the strategy to recruit new members across the unit AO and the presentation of the cheque to Matt Moffatt.
Thanks to Tony Schaeffer (ex CPL and Cook) and band of helpers who delivered lunch on time and to a great standard.
Next meeting will be in Casino at the Casino Military Museum in May 18.
Dec 17
Members of the 41st Battalion attended Ex Ocean Raider III , a ex on board HMAS Canberra , one of the new amphibious carriers.
A very different ex to what they were used to but very interesting living and working on a ship.
Some pics of the ex below
5 Dec 17
CO 41 , LTCOL Andrew McPhee says farewell to Major Des White , after several years as OC at A Coy now moving on to a new posting.
Pic to the right of A Coy on the parade ground at Tweed Heads depot.

19 Nov 2017 Assoc General Meeting , East Lismore
AS part of the ongoing program to enlighten our members about current service , we had a guest speaker at this meeting , Corporal Andrew Collinge Maneorve Support PL 41st Battalion ,he had several tours of the Solomon Islands and assisted the Navy as part of Transit Security Element at Darwin (Border Protection).
He gave a honest and very interesting and entertaining 30 min talk on his exploits and that of the 41st Battalion during these operations.
Well done and a great way to start our general meeting which was followed by a BBQ where association members regaled of tales of deeds done during their time in service.
Warren Walsh , Treasurer

Coy Training Weekend Sep 17
Manoevre Spt Pl completed a Ex Trained Soldier activity to conclude the training weekend.
Stands included 84mm Anti Tank weapon , grenade throwing(practice grenades of course) ,strip and assemble weapons and a interesting crawl under a cam net whilst carrying the anti armour weapon , different techniques were used but they all succeeded , some better then others,
SGT Rex Casson shown assessing the anti armour drills did a great job of putting this together. CPL Abraham Bland is the NCO in the pics with soldiers from the platoon.
Warren Walsh

Sep 17
A Coy Mixed Dining in night Murwillumbah RSL Club
A great night was had with partners by A Coy , a well organised and good meal and celebration of another successful year for A Coy Tweed Heads .
Left pic : OC Des White (centre) , partner Marie (left) and Coy 2IC CAPT Jones
Centre pic : 3 OC's of A Coy over 10 years of command , ;left Major Warren Walsh, centre Major Des White and right Major Greg Overton
Right pic : the assembled A Coy

31 March 2017
The Northern rivers suffered the biggest flood since 1974 . The unit "stood up" a 24/7 Liaise Offerice (a member from the unit) at the SES Headquarters , I was called in by the OPSO to be the relief LO on the night when the flood peaked and was there for the evacuation order for the CBD of Lismore was issued as the water was about to breach the flood wall.
The unit's main response was to send vehicles and soldiers to Chinderah Tweed Heads to assist with the evacuation of the general public. They acquitted themselves well and were able to offer great assistance to the SES .
Pictures below are the aftermath of the flood in the CBD of Lismore
Warren Walsh

Australian Army Reserve unit, the 41st Battalion, marks its centenary
ABC North Coast By Samantha Turnbull Updated 7 Jul 2016, 4:52pm Thu 7 Jul 2016, 4:52pm
Photo: Private Sidney Platz, 21, joined the 41st Battalion at the age of 16.
Coast: Samantha Turnbull) One hundred years ago, young men from across Queensland and northern New South Wales answered the call to serve their country by joining the 41st
Battalion of the Australian Infantry.The battalion was formed in May, 1916, and by Christmas Eve had lost its first soldiers on the frontline in World War I.
Today, the reserve unit of the Royal New South Wales Regiment has its headquarters in the northern New South Wales city of Lismore with depots in Tweed Heads, Grafton, Coffs Harbour, Kempsey, Port Macquarie and Taree.
Teenage Recruit
recruit Private Sidney Platz, 21, joined the battalion at the age of 16 when he was still at high school."I thought it would build my character," he said."Opposed to my peers, who were sort of just wasting their time, I was going away to Wagga Wagga to complete my military training."
I learnt a lot about myself."Not many 17-year-olds get to do that, as opposed to just playing Xbox at home."
He said his favourite part of his service so far had been working in the local community."I've worked in the community in times of disaster relief and flood relief with the State Emergency Service and fire brigade," he said."Being able to serve my country and help out the community is a really important part of why I joined the Reserves."
From recruit to instructor
Photo: Norman Clapham MBE is the president of the 41st Battalion Association.
Norman Clapham MBE is the president of the 41st Battalion Association, a group of ex-members who volunteer to help current soldiers and maintain the museum at the base
Mr Clapham, 79, joined the battalion in 1956 at Nimbin."A lot of my friends had joined and I was the odd one out, so I decided to join and then I decided I really liked it," he said."The comradeship just seems to grow on you."Mr Clapham began as a recruit, worked his way up to warrant officer class one and became an instructor."The discipline here is great and there are so many young people who could benefit from joining,"
he said."When you go back to your civilian work, it gives you a greater understanding of what's required of you.
"Bosses appreciate anyone who has been through the service because of their discipline and the way they carry out their orders.
"The teaching part has been my highlight. I've had a lot of joy from it."Mr Clapham was never called to battle."We were always prepared but never called upon," he said."And I think we were very lucky."
In the minority
Photo: Private Elizabeth Church works as an administration clerk at the 41st Bttalion. (ABC North Coast: Samantha Turnbull)
Private Elizabeth Church, 44, is and administration clerk with the battalion.
She joined five years ago and said it was one of the best decisions of her life."I believe in serving my country and I was really passionate about that," she said."I wanted to wear the green, I wanted a challenge and I wanted to meet like-minded people.
"She urged more women to consider military careers."I'm definitely in the minority as a woman," she said."Our aim is to get more women into the Army in general.
"Not enough women represent."
Rich experiences
Photo: Private Graeme Bray is a cook for the 41st Battalion. (ABC North Coast: Samantha Turnbull)
Private Graeme Bray, 42, is a cook with the battalion and joined in 1994.
He had previously served in the Gulf War with the Navy, but said some of his strongest memories were based around events on home soil."One Remembrance Day here in Lismore one of the school teachers asked if some children could come and talk to us," he said."I said 'Of course, it's a free country,' but these children were Sudanese and Congolese and, after seeing us, ran away and were frightened.
"Those sorts of experiences stay with you."Meeting so many people and seeing so many places, it's all been very rich."
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