Picture of renewing the Museum Memorandum of Understanding , Norm Clapham, LTCOL Graham Ruhle , seated Bob Carter and Cec Harris
The 41st Infantry Battalion Association was formed 15 years ago by a group of ex members of the unit .
The aims and objectives have not changed over this time and remain in essence to support the past and present soldiers of the 41st Battalion.
Today the association is actively involved with the current soldiers of the unit with sub unit reps at Tweed Heads,Lismore, Grafton ,Coffs Harbour and Port Macquarie, these are serving members who assist the assoc to interact with the current soldiers.
Ordinary members -fee payable- Being current or past serving members of the 41st Battalion
Associate Members - fee payable- Members families
Life Subscriber - fee payable - A membership that is for Life once you pay the once off fee
Life Member - no fee payable - a honour that can only be approved by the members of the association
Copyright 41bnassoc