First prize annually proudly funded Richard Crandon family in memory of former LTCOL Lionel Crandon CO 41, his father.

2nd and 3rd prizes donated by Craig Yates

2024 Scholarship contested 
                                       On 14 Sep 24 we had three members of the unit contest  the 2024 Scholarship.

We had three excellent presentations on leaders who inspired them , topics were as follows  

CPL Dylan Delcampo,A Coy, presented in person about Robert Rogers the pioneer of the Rangers 

PTE John Clelland , A Coy, presented in person on Sir John Monash 

PTE Matt Power , C Coy, presented by Skype on LT Norris a young PL COMD that had to deal with a significant incident at Recruit Training

Three different but great presentations with each presenter reflecting on how these people inspired them and influenced the way they think.

There can be only one winner and that was narrowly CPL Delcampo runner up PTE John Clelland and  third PTE Matt Power

All finalists received, a Certificate, a Modern Soldier Figurine and the limited edition 41st Assoc Coin as well as 1st price $1,000, 2nd $500 and 3rd $250.

Our thanks to Richard Crandon who annually sponsors with $1,000 for 1st prize and to Craig Yates who sponsors 2nd and 3rd prizes, our soldiers appreciate your generosity.  

A big thanks to the Scholarship panel who gave up their time to judge this year, consisting of Bernie Kronen (Chair), Jim Sneesby, Graeme Davis, RSM WO1 Michael Dowling and myself. Lee Bates provided support by helping set up the room and introduced the presenters. We could not have a scholarship without the panel so please accept my appreciation. 

Warren Walsh - President


On Saturday 12th August 5 finalists, all soldiers from the 41st Battalion contested the 41st Infantry Battalion Association Inc Scholarship.

This was a record number of finalists and shows the how the word of the scholarship has spread amongst the soldiers of the unit, next year expect to break the record for number of applicants.

As a reminder the Scholarship apps close 30 Jun and is open for any soldier posted to 41RNSWR, PTE to LT or a CSSB soldier posted to 41 depot location.

All but one finalist was able to present in person in front of the ASP (Association Scholarship Panel) at BHQ Lismore during a scheduled training weekend.

The ASP consists of from left LTCOL Healy (CO 41RNSWR), WO1 Dowling (RSM 41RNSWR) , Jim Sneesby, Rod Haydon (Chairman) and Graeme Davis (Assoc member).

It was a very close contest and all presentations were of very high quality.

PTE Dyke (finalist) spoke on how the RSM Army inspired her in her career.

PTE Lang (Finalist) picked GEN Sir William Birdwood from WW1 and how the lessons learnt could be applied today.

LT Stelling  (3rd) picked Ukrainian President Zelenskyy and explained how his leadership inspired a country via videolink.

CPL Vincent (2nd) spoke about GEN MacArthur from WW2.

Our winner PTE Burford gave an excellent presentation and Q&A at the end on Ukrainian General Zaluzhnyi.

Very interesting and different presentations, styles and delivery methods but really showed the quality of the soldiers, noting here most were not NCO's and this was their first presentations in front of a panel where they had questions asked at the end of their presentations.

The Scholarship certainly achieved the objective of helping build confidence for the finalists so that they can go on and be the future leaders of the organisation. All finalists except 1st prize winner can reapply next year and apply the lessons learnt to their presentations.

The WINNER will receive a scholarship of $1,000 (sponsored by Mr Richard Crandon) with 2nd,3rd  prizes being $500 and $250 respectively sponsored by Craig Yates. The President of the Association expresses his thanks to Richard and Craig for making this possible.

Picture below of the members who presented in person from left PTE Lang (finalist) , PTE Dyke (finalist), CPL Vincent (2nd) and PTE Burford (1st) with LT Stelling (3rd) presenting via videolink

Thank you to Rod Haydon who chaired the Association Panel and then presented awards to the winners later that day


Congratulations to all our finalists, a great contest and results were very close.

Thank you to the judging panel from left Mark Murray , Alex Rubin ,  Rod Haydon , Jim Sneesby and Graeme Davis.

Winner for 2022 was SGT Povah (A Coy) Runner up PTE Lane (C Coy) 

Our winner receives $1,000 proudly provided by Richard Crandon annually with 2nd place $500 3rd place $250  funded by Craig Yates for 2022-2026, a special thank you to Richard and Craigfrom our soldiers for your generous donations that benefit our soldiers.

Left PTE Lane receiving (virtually) his runner up certificate from Alex Ruben and Rod Haydon

Right SGT Povah receiving his certificate as winner of the scholarship


 2021- Association Scholarship Contest

 On this Tuesday 27 Jul 2021 night the ASP (Association Scholarship Panel) convened at BHQ Lismore to judge the 3 finalist for the 2021 Association Scholarship.

The panel consisted of LTCOL Fernandez (CO 41), WO1 McCoy (RSM 41), Rod Haydon (Chairman of the event) , Graeme Davis and Jim Sneesby

The 3 finalist were Pte Juleff (Lismore) , CPL McKinnon (Port) and LT Hudson (Port).

The finalist presented a 20 minute presentation on a military leader who inspired them and why and why should they be granted the scholarship.

The ASP use a scoring criteria covering all aspects of the presentation and it is scored, it was a very close competition with minimal points between 1st and 3rd.

The winner was PTE Julef , runner up CPL McKinnon and very close third LT Hudson.

The quality and vigour of the presentations was outstanding and all finalists are commended for their excellent presentations.

The winner receives $1,000 award with the members of the association approving 08 Aug 21 to approve $500 for 2nd place and              $250 for 3rd.

Congratulations go all finalists for your outstanding efforts to make this year's scholarship a great success.


From Left CO 41RNSWR LTCOL Fernandez, PTE Juleff Scholarship Winner, Rod Haydon (Association)

From Left CPL McKinnon, OC C Coy MAJ Clifton and LT Hudson 


Scholarship suspended till 2021 due to Covid 19

20 Aug 19

The 2019 41st Infantry Battalion Association Scholarship was contested on 20 Aug 19.

The panel consisted of the CO LTCOL McPhee , RSM WO1 King, MAJ Walsh (Chairman) , Graeme Davis (assoc rep) and Cec Harris (Lismore RSL sub branch President) being the independent member of the panel.

LCPL Sarah Sobels was awarded the scholarship after a very good presentation to the panel.

Thanks to Richard Crandon who generously provides the funding for the Association Scholarship .

The Association scholarship continues to help and assist the soldiers of 41st Battalion in a valuable way , with applications already lodged for next years scholarship , expect a lot of demand for this event in 2021 from the soldiers of the unit.


Tuesday 7th Aug 18
Private Jessie Willsher (C Company Port Macquarie) wins Association Scholarship and the $1,000 prize ….

A close second place Pte Tim Ellis from BHQ Lismore.

 Jessie one of the units Infantry soldiers from Port Macquarie depot presented a compelling speech to take out the 2018 scholarship.

Well done to both finalist and just another way the association supports the soldiers of the 41st Battalion.



In 2017 the first Leadership scholarship was contested , the prize $1,000 in cash for a member of the unit who was studying at university or Tafe.

Three finalists contested the scholarship, this required a 10 min presentation on a leadership topic presented to a selection panel .

The 3 finalists were Tom Melville (A Coy), Matt Moffatt (C Coy) , Tim Ellis (Manoeuvre Spt Platoon)

After some debate the winner was determined as Matt Moffatt from Coffs Harbour , Matt is shown accepting a cheque from the association for $1,000 at our Feb 18 meeting.

Matt presented a 30 min presentation at our meeting on his deployment experiences (as a sniper) and a interesting recount of the live and times of our units VC winner LCPL Bernard Sydney Gordon (from WW1).

Well done all finalists for contesting the award and showing a very high standard of professionalism .


History of the Scholarship

The Scholarship is the "brain child" of Andrew McPhee (CO 41st Battalion) who come up with the idea of a scholarship  in 2017 to  financially assist a member of the unit who was undertaking studies to improve themselveson a annual basis and thought that the Association would be the ideal vehicle to deliver this affect.

The Association fully endorsed the idea and approached Mr Richard Crandon who's late father Lionel Crandon was the CO of the 41st Battalion three times who  generously offered to fund the scholarship.  

Nominations are called each year from soldiers of the unit who if selected present a topic to the Scholarship panel who then determine the winner.


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