16 Feb 2025- Sunday - AGM / General Meeting BHQ Lismore 1000-1330
23 Mar 2025- Sunday - Gold Coast Meet - Chinderah 22 Naru St 1000-1330
09 Nov 2024 -SATURDAY BHQ 108-110 Military Rd East Lismore - OPEN DAY 1000-1400- weapons, equipment, vehicles live demonstrations obstacle course for the kids come along for a look
17 Nov 2024 - SUNDAY BHQ 108-110 Military Rd East Lismore Association General Meeting 1000-1330 Guest speaker CPL Dylan Delcampo scholarship winner will be presenting his winning presentation , Rogers Rangers the story of the American Rangers
24 Nov 2024 - SUNDAY - CHINDERAH INAUGURAL Association Meeting and Social Event 1000-1300 , Guest Speaker PTE John Clelland runner up 2024 Assoc scholarship with a Company update and Association update from the 17 Nov meeting by the President, unit members and all non Association interested people and parties welcome ......
30 Nov 24 - Battalion end of year event Coffs Harbour - Battalion BBQ , Awards and Association members invited
Warren Walsh President
NEXT MEETING 11 Aug 24 at BHQ Lismore
We have a great line up for you at the next meeting with a Presentation to Assoc members who attended the Freedom of Entry as VIP guests , a dedication of Light Horse Figure to the Northern River Lancers and a packed meeting agenda.
JOIN US for the camaraderie and see what changes are happening at your Association
1000-1045 Morning Tea
1045-1100 Presentation to Assoc Members and Dedication to Northern River Lancers
1100-1200 General Meeting including new update from President including committee room work
1200-1330 Lunch
Cost - $7 for mornos and lunch upon entry or $2 for mornos if not staying for lunch
Dress- Association Polo Shirt optional jacket if applic
18 FEB 2024 - AGM /General Meeting - Location: Northern Rivers Military Museum Casino GUEST SPEAKER WO1 Michael Dowling RSM 41st Battalion
19 MAY 2024 General Meeting - Location BHQ East Lismore GUEST SPEAKER recently returned from operations WO2 Scott CSM A Coy
11 Aug 2024 - General Meeting - Location BHQ East Lismore
17 Nov 2024 - General Meeting - Location BHQ East Lismore GUEST SPEAKER Winner of Assoc Scholarship
General Meeting Times are
1000 -1030 Morning Tea
1030-1100 Guest Speaker
1100-1200 General Meeting
1200-1330 Lunch
COST - $5 lunch +$2 Mornos = $7 per head to Treasurer at check in (CASH or card welcome)
20 Feb 22 - General and AGM – at the Northern Rivers Military Museum Casino
19 Jun 22 (postponed from 08 May 22) - General Meeting – Byron Barracks, Lismore
21 Aug 22 - General Meeting – Byron Barracks, Lismore
20 Nov 22 - General Meeting – Byron Barracks, Lismore
28 Nov 2021- BHQ Lismore
A bit of a change to the usual timings saw many association members attend the 41st Battalion open day that was conducted just prior to our meeting.
There were many exhibits including a building clearance demo , recruiting presentations /stand and emergency service demo (SES and Police) .
The cooks also had a good display of field catering equipment with a lot of interest shown from the public.
Several hundred members of the public attended and it was a great prelude to the actual meeting.
LTCOL Fernandez gave a brief update on the many activities and challenges of training during the last year which was followed by the meeting .
PTE Casey Juleff , the 2021 Association Scholarship winner gave his presentation that won the scholarship to the association members , he delivered a very well thought out presentation, feedback from the members was extremely good with one member of the association impressed enough to donate /sponsor the 2nd and 3rd prize monetary awards for the scholarship for the next few years, a very generous offer and one that was inspired by the calibre of PTE Juleff, a 41 soldier posted to the Lismore Platoon.
It was great to see everyone on the day , has been a tough year with Covid affecting many of our meetings and lives and a good way to lead into Christmas .
All the best to you and your families for Christmas .
08 Aug 2021 - Northern Rivers Military Museum
About 30 members of the association took a trip to Casino to visit and have our quarterly meeting .
Owen Newell and his team have done a fantastic job at museum and you could spend hours looking though the extensive range of Army. Navy and Airforce memorabilia on display .
Thanks to Owen for coordinating morning tea and lunch for the members of the Association.
The meeting started with Cr Robert Mustow (Richmond Valley Council Mayor) giving a update on the Drill Hall precinct project , an exciting vision for the drill hall precinct that was to include a memorial walk to commemorate the sacrifice of Australia’s service men and women in keeping with the Drill Hall’s history.
The walk would also serve as a fitting accompaniment to the Northern Rivers Military Museum, located in the original Drill Hall building, and a centrepiece of the refurbished precinct.
It was a jam packed meeting with a lot of changes proposed and approved by the members , some of these included
- Association Scholarship now will reward the Winner $1,000 $500 for 2nd and $250 3rd (backdated to the winners from the 2021 Scholarship) , special thanks to Richard Crandon for providing the funds for 1st prize for this event.
- Eligibility criteria for the Scholarship amended to available to PTE to LT (change from Major)
- all nominations received for the scholarship receieve one year free membership of the association
- General meetings of the Association changed from 4 to 3 per annum (now Feb at NRMM, Aug and Nov)
- Association committee meetings now monthly Feb to Nov offset to meetings.
The meeting concluded with a great feed and further viewing of the museum.
A good day out in Casino was had by all .

16 May 2021
About 30 members of the association assembled at BHQ Byron Barracks Lismore for our meeting .
Our guess speakers included Col Arnett on Auschwitz followed by Casey Juleff who gave a great presentation on his history project for the Association .
The meeting included discussion about support to the unit , the museum , NRMM update, Vice President , Treasurer and Secretary reports and the exciting opportunity for the museum to assume control of the OR's bar area.
Good to see a growing attendance with plenty of old and new faces at the meeting.
See below for some pictures from the event
21 Feb 2021
About 40 members of the association assembled at BHQ Byron Barracks Lismore for the AGM .
Morning tea included a viewing of the new M40 replacement for the Unimog recently arrived at the unit. A massive vehicle and all the members were impressed with the sheer size and features of the vehicle.
This was followed by a presentation by the RSM 41RNSWR WO1 McCoy then the AGM and general meeting. These meetings included discussion about support to the unit , the museum , NRMM update, Vice President , Treasurer and Secretary reports .
Lunch was prepared by Pte Alvos
It was good to be back in a covid safe environment and seeing the old and new faces at the meeting.
See below for some pictures from the event

Association Meeting (15 Nov 20)
About 35 members of the Assoc met for the final time in 2020.
With only one meeting this year (Feb) due to bushfires and covid 19 was great to see all the familiar faces of our members at the meeting .
The meeting started with a "lucky door" prize for who could guess the tune (Cock O The North), Owen Newell recognised the 41st Battalion marching tune and scored a association coffee cup.
CO 41 LTCOL Susana Fernandez gave a great presentation on the busy year and the many soldiers who deployed in support of Bushfires and Covid 19 ,training regimes and role of the reserve.
Various reports were delivered by the Treasurer, Secretary, Association Museum and North Coast Military Museum.
The meeting was followed by lunch prepared by Courtney Woods.
Thank you to Paul Kohlhagen for his efforts in assisting the Treasurer to set up the event.
All the best for the remainder of 2020.
NEXT MEETING Sunday 16 Aug 20
Cancelled due to Covid 19 government restrictions
MEETING Sunday 17 May 20 CANCELLED due toCovid 19 restrictions
Was to be at Northern Rivers Military Museum
Corner Summerland Way and Stapleton Avenue, Casino New South Wales 2470
SUNDAY 16 Feb 2020
More then 40 members of the Association gathered at BHQ for the Annual General Meeting.
Our guest speaker was Private Casey Juleff , a member of the recent Operation Bushfire Assist , he gave a great presentation on the recent call out and what activities the members of the 41st did to assist the SES /RFS services. His presentation concluded with a question and answer session conducted by Warren Walsh which gave further insight into the operation and he also advised how great the presentation of a medallion to each member of the Op was at the demount of the Op (see separate item about this ceremony under Latest News).
This was followed by a presentation of a Assoc coffee mug to Pte Juleff by Norm Clapham.
The General meeting covered off on
- Treasurers report with amended 5 year plan , the new plan is based off recruitment of 20 new members pa and reduced expenses in line line with this to maintain the Assoc financial position at current levels over this period.
- Care packages to be sent to our soldiers on Ops this year, expect to send 30 in 2020
- the scholarship , Rod Haydon advised that the CO had agree dto continue in its current form and nominations now open with 41st Battalion Coys expected to have 3 nominations each.
- Unit history update on project to write it from 1984 , ongoing and cant find the right person to write this
- Improvements in how we reduce admin and run the museum, to be known now as the History Collection and rather then a whole committee for the museum , John Llewellyn will now represent the museum at the Association committee meeting. The benefit is much less administration and quicker decision making (this amendment was proposed by Rod Haydon).
Tom Harwood acknowledged and thanked the committee for the work done in the last year and raised the point that there are grants for unit history available i.e. to write it.
Members then had lunch with many tales told of past deeds done .
A great day at the 41st Battalion with very good attendance.
The next meeting in May will at the Northern Rivers Military Museum in Casino.

Meeting 01 Dec 2019
Members of the 41st Association gather for the final meeting of the year.
This was the meeting postponed from 17 Nov due to Operational tasks being performed by the unit.
We had LCPL Sobels (winner of the 41st Infantry Battalion Assoc Inc Leadership Scholarship 2019) address the Assoc members about the history of the 41st Battalion.
A very good presentation and enjoyed by all present.
Numbers were down due to the short notice for the meeting with about 25 members attending.
A good day at the 41st Battalion .

Meeting Sunday 17 Nov POSTPONED due to Fires in AO
Location: Lismore BHQ
Morning tea 1000 -1030
Guest Speaker 1030 -1100
General Meeting 1100-1200
Lunch 1200-1330
#########SPECIAL Christmas Lunch ########
why you say ? as this will be last meeting for this year
Guest speaker winner of the 41st Infantry Battalion Scholarship , LCPL Sarah Sobels.
Association Meeting 18 Aug 19
25 members of the association met at BHQ Lismore for the quarterly meeting.
Before the meeting we had LCPL Stanford give a very good presentation on his time whilst on deployment in Darwin (border security).
He gave a confident and entertaining talk and explained the features of his combat uniform that is not worn in barracks to the members of the association.
Good to see a confident and entertaining format from this member of the unit.
At the general meeting items discussed included the first 13 of the association care packages reaching our deployed troops , update on the scholarship ,and various committee reports.
Good to see all the members and guests who attended on the day.
Next meeting 17 Nov 19 at BHQ Lismore where our Association Scholarship winner will present to the members of the association.
19 May 19
About 45 members of the Association travelled to Casino to attend a viewing of the Northern Rivers Military Museum where we conducted our quarterly meeting.
The day started with a morning tea and viewing of the museum.
Congratulations to Owen Newell and his team for a great job on maintaining the history of military service in the region.
At the meeting members were given a update on the Association Scholarship and the Care Packages we will be sending to the many members of the unit currently deployed.
This was followed by a BBQ lunch prepared by Private Alvos.
The Association would like to congratulate the Mayor of Casino and the Casino councillors on a great development project with the completion of the visitor centre , large parking area and development continuing. A credit to the people of Casino.
An excellent day was had by all , see the pictures below.
LTCOL Susana Fernandez ex OC A Coy 41 RNSWR guest speaker - confirmed

17 FEB 19 - BHQ Lismore
10-10.30am Morning tea (gold coin donation)
10.30-11am Guest Speaker - LTCOL Fernandez
11-12pm Association meeting
12-1.30pm BBQ and lunch ($5)
18 Nov 18
About 40 members of the Association gathered at BHQ Lismore for the final meeting this year.
The day started with a morning tea which included scones baked by the 8 CSSB (Combat Service Support Battalion) cook CPL Courtney Woods who was assisted by Tony Schaeffer from the association .
Guest Speaker (see pic below) Ian Bullpitt gave a great presentation on his exploits in the UXO (Unexploded Ordinance ) world with a very interesting presentation about the threat caused by these in overseas countries and his involvement through different programmes.
Some great pictures of how real this threat is in overseas countries and that there could be UXO in the wider areas that were used for training in WW2. Thank you Ian.
Members and guests were given a update on the Association Scholarship , Treasurers report and shown the internet site .
This was followed by a Christmas lunch cooked by CPL Woods and Tony Schaeffer.
Many have commented it was a great day and a record attendance , it appears that the morning tea and guest speaker approach is generating more interest in our meetings .See you at the next one
2019 meeting dates have not been published yet.

12 Aug 18 - ASSOC MEETING - BHQ Lismore
A great time was had and many tales of past deeds told when about 40 of the association members attended BHQ Lismore for the quarterly meeting.
A bit of change in venue with the meeting held in the ex drill hall at the unit, change is better then a holiday they say.
The day started with morning tea with lots of talk happening around the room , see below you might even see yourself in one of the pictures.
The CO updated everyone via a recorded video message , about the Army and unit direction with a quick update by Major Walsh on the latest training happening this weekend with live (well nearly) pics from the event
.Rod Haydon gave a update on the Association Leadership Scholarship and we all viewed Jessie Willsher's winning presentation to the association scholarship panel (video)followed by her thank you speech.
The new WW1 honour board was discussed by Rod Haydon , it is a impressive item and hangs proudly in the Sterling room at BHQ .
John Knight facilitated a preview of Tom Harwood's (as Tom was away at the moment) recent trip to Korea to commemorate the Armistice , some good info and some pics including a picture of Charlie Greens grave site.
Other matters were discussed and we headed off to have a BBQ lunch.
Overall a lot of interesting content , lots of video footage viewed and a good day at the 41st Battalion.
27 May 18
A great day was had at the Northern Rivers Military Museum (Casino Drill Hall) with many new faces in the large crowd that attended.
Presentations were made by Norm Clapham President to LCPL Paul Kohlhagen , WO2 Noel Patterson (35 yrs service which he pointed out was 37 years) , SGT Ian Cust 40 years service with the Australian Army and to MAJ Mark Murray (CO's representative) being for the Battalions runners up in the recent Military skills competition .
Owen Newell (NRMM) gave an update on the history of the NRMM.
The assembled members were updated on the new association initatives , the install of the WW1 Honour roll at BHQ , the association scholarship and upcoming recruiting activities.
Very good to see many prior Battalion members who do not normally attend .
This was the first time the association has had a meeting outside Lismore and was a great success.

18 FEB 18
Another great meeting with the new engagement and recruitment strategy ratified by the members.
Pte Matt Moffatt winner of the Association Leadership Scholarship in 2017 gave a very good presentation on his military service and the life and deeds of the units WW1 VC winner Bernard Gordon.
We squeezed in this presentation with a annual and general meeting with a lot of issues covered including the WW1 Honour board project being funded from the kind donation of the Len Boswell estate , the 5 Year Plan for the association and the strategy to recruit new members across the unit AO and the presentation of the cheque to Matt Moffatt.
Thanks to Tony Schaeffer (ex CPL and Cook) and band of helpers who delivered lunch on time and to a great standard.
Next meeting will be in Casino at the Casino Military Museum in May 18.
AS part of the ongoing program to enlighten our members about current service , we had a guest speaker at this meeting , Corporal Collinge BHQ 41st Battalion ,he had several tours of the Solomon Islands and assisted the Navy as part of Transit Security Element at Darwin (Border Protection).
He gave a honest and very interesting and entertaining 30 min talk on his exploits and that of the 41st Battalion during these operations.
Well done and a great way to start our general meeting which was followed by a BBQ where association members regaled of tales of deeds done during their time in service.
Warren Walsh Treasurer
The assoc meet in Lismore for the quarterly meeting , afterwards we had a demo on the F88 lead by 41st Battalion CPL Bland. Demo squad being PTE probert on the left and PTE Standford on the right.
Association members remarked it was good to see Infantry modern weapons that have changed a lot since the days of the bren, Vickers , M60 and M16 eras.
Warren Walsh
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