From left CPL Andrew Collinge, SGT Rex Casson, PTE Atkins, CPL Scott Heapy
Reservists thanked for service
3rd Mar 2009 10:44 AM
MEMBERS of the Lismore-based 41st Battalion were yesterday acknowledged and thanked for their service in the Solomon Islands by Member for Page, Janelle Saffin, at a small ceremony held in her electorate office in Lismore.
Ms Saffin thanked the four ADF reservists, Sergeant Rex Casson, Corporal Scott Heapy, Lance Corporal Andrew Collinge and Private Adam Atkins for their service on Operation ANODE as part of the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Island (RAMSI).
Ms Saffin said the soldiers had played an important role in ensuring the security of the Solomon Islands and helping building peace in the region.“The defence work in the Solomon Islands can be quite different to other operations, involving a greater level of engagement with the local community, and often being called on to do things that wouldn't be part of usual military duty,” she said.
Captain Warren Walsh, of the 41st Battalion, accompanied the soldiers and Ms Saffin acknowledged his work with the Battalion and thanked him for arranging for the soldiers to attend the function.
Ms Saffin also read a message from the Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Support, the Hon Mike Kelly.Mr Kelly said the soldiers should be proud of their contribution, as the security situation in the Solomon Islands remains stable largely due to RAMSI's presence.
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