Jan-Feb 2020


For the first time in history the Army Reserve was Called Out to assist the states to combat the ongoing bushfire disaster, many members of the 41st Battalion answered the call and served on OPERATION BUSHFIRE ASSIST .

In the lead up to this historic action several catering staff from 8 CSSB , being 41st RNSWR ex caterers now posted to 8 CSSB, were cooking for RFS members in Casino.

Many members from the unit answered the call and deployed to assist RFS across NSW with duties including clearing fire trails and generally assisting the RFS and fire brigades in the unit AO.

Three Joint Task Forces coordinated the ADF’s effort:

JTF 646 Victoria: Based on Army’s 4th Brigade, with support elements from across the ADF. RAAF Base East Sale is the central hub for the Defence response in southern areas.

JTF 1110 New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory: Based on Army’s 5th Brigade, with support elements from across the ADF. Holsworthy Barracks is the central hub for the Defence response across NSW and the ACT.

JTF 1111 South Australia and Tasmania: Based on Army’s 9th Brigade, with support elements from across the ADF. Keswick Barracks is the central hub for the Defence response across South Australia and Tasmania.
See below for some public images of the RFS and Defence assistance.

See pictures below 

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