17-18 Nov 18
A Coy 41 RNSWR conducted field training over a weekend with training to develop field skills including fieldcraft and abayonet fighting course.
See below for orders being given for the start of the activity and a pic of the soldiers after doing some bayonet fighting.
Great infantry weather (poured late Saturday afternoon as they were going off to do their night activity) and lots of big hills.
Does not get better then that !!!!

Oct Invictus Games
Many members from the unit are supporting the Invictus games or completing courses to further their skills.
A great opportunity to do something worthwhile in support of the community.

OCT 18
Latest Technology
Soldiers from 5th Brigade have been given training to safely use drones for a range of activities.
This kind of innovative training is not only useful for their Army careers, but civilian jobs too. Drones will be issued to each unit in 5 Brigade allowing our soldiers to train with this technology over the coming year.
Soldiers from the 41st Battalion have done their training with the drone technology which will be very useful in training .
11th Sep 18
Lismore based soldiers conduct a training exercise at the Lismore depot on a Tuesday night training.
This activity was a vehicle check point in lead up training for the Invictus games .

Jul 18
Army is continuing to develop shooting skills, members of the unit conduct combat shooting recently to improve and enhance these skills.
The YouTube window below is 1 RAR conducting live fire combat shooting and School of Infantry Enhanced Combat Shootinggives a insight into the skills being taught to the soldiers of the unit.
School of Infantry- Combat Shooting 2018
12 Aug 18 A Coy Training weekend
A Coy ran the "Army Combative Program (ACP) course." The course teaches essential skills close quarter skills for soldiers so they can protect themselves and their mates.
The course was visited by Brigadier Bond Commander 5th Brigade , prenty of new skills learnt and refined and with combat shooting helps prepare soldiers for deployment
Nothing like a bit of "bliff up" in your day to get the adrenaline flowing!

Main service at Bangalow 25 Apr 18

14-15 Apr 18
The 41st Battalion undertook weekend training including a First Aid Course qualification and a Combat Shooting Course.
C Coy Coffs Harbour ran the activities to a high standard for the unit with all Companies providing soldiers as students.

Mar 18 2nd Place 2nd Division Section Competition
Each year the soldiers of the 2nd Division (approx. 30,000) which represent the Army Reserve in Australia , through a qualifying event get the right to contest the 2nd Division military section comp if they are good enough.
Units provide a team to contest the Brigade section competition and the winners then go on to contest the 2 Division competition (41st Battalion won the Brigade competition).
The 41st Battalion won the 2nd Division Military skills competition last year and this year we placed highly with a second place.
The team was wholly from A Coy Tweed Heads and team manager being Warrant Officer Patterson CSM A Coy.
A great result for a local regional based Army Reserve unit , well done to all involved with these soldiers showing they are in the top echelons of their peers
Pictures coming of the winning team
Posted by Webmaster
2 DIV Mil Skills Winning Team - March 2017
Back Row - WO1 Stonebridge (RSM 8 BDE), PTE Melville, Pte Platz, PTE Delaterre, PTE Davies, PTE Delcampo, WO1 Newbold (RSM 41st Battalion RNSWR)
Front Row - WO2 Patterson (Team manager), LCPL Amos, CPL Reeves, PTE Blaine, PTE Hyett.

41RNSWR 2 DIV Mil Skills Runners Up – March 2018
Left to Right– CPL Beasley, PTE Blaine, PTE Platz, PTE Hyett, PTE Dowling, LCPL Kelleher, PTE Melville, PTE Painter

2018 Runners up 2nd Division Mil Skills Competition - 41 RNSWR (soldiers from A Coy)
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