Dec 17
Members of the 41st Battalion attended Ex Ocean Raider III , a ex on board HMAS Canberra , one of the new amphibious carriers.
A very different ex to what they were used to but very interesting living and working on a ship.
Some pics of the ex below

Sep 17
C Coy dining in night held at Coffs Harbour depot , members from Taree, Port Macquarie Grafton and Coffs Harbour members attended .
Pic left of the assembled company
Food was cooked by the 41st Battalion cooks and they did a great job for for the event
Coy Training Weekend Sep 17
Manoevre Spt Pl completed a Ex Trained Soldier activity to conclude the training weekend.
Stands included Anti Tank weapon , grenade throwing(practice grenades of course) ,strip and assemble weapons and a obstacle course.
Web Master

Sep 17
A Coy Mixed Dining in night Murwillumbah RSL Club
A great night was had with partners by A Coy , a well organised and good meal and celebration of another successful year for A Coy Tweed Heads .
Left pic : OC Des White (centre) , partner Marie (left) and Coy 2IC CAPT Jones
Centre pic : 3 OC's of A Coy over 10 years of command , ;left Major Warren Walsh, centre Major Des White and right Major Greg Overton
Right pic : the assembled A Coy

Apr 17
Anzac day always a busy time at the unit with lots of requests for support across the unit.
Pics below of ceremonies at Bangalow and Tweed Heads
MAR 2017
The Northern rivers suffered the biggest flood since 1974 . The unit "stood up" a 24/7 Liaise Officer (a member from the unit) at the SES Headquarters , I was called in by the OPSO to be the relief LO on the night when the flood peaked and was there for the evacuation order for the CBD of Lismore was issued as the water was about to breach the flood wall.
The unit's main response was to send vehicles and soldiers to Chinderah Tweed Heads to assist with the evacuation of the general public. They acquitted themselves well and were able to offer great assistance to the SES . See pics of the soldiers in action helping with the evacuation of the residents of Chinderah.
Below bottom is the aftermath of the flood in the CBD of Lismore
Warren Walsh

Australian Army Reserve unit, the 41st Battalion, marks its centenary
ABC North Coast By Samantha Turnbull Updated 7 Jul 2016, 4:52pm Thu 7 Jul 2016, 4:52pm
Photo: Private Sidney Platz, 21, joined the 41st Battalion at the age of 16.
Coast: Samantha Turnbull) One hundred years ago, young men from across Queensland and northern New South Wales answered the call to serve their country by joining the 41st
Battalion of the Australian Infantry.The battalion was formed in May, 1916, and by Christmas Eve had lost its first soldiers on the frontline in World War I.
Today, the reserve unit of the Royal New South Wales Regiment has its headquarters in the northern New South Wales city of Lismore with depots in Tweed Heads, Grafton, Coffs Harbour, Kempsey, Port Macquarie and Taree.
Teenage Recruit
recruit Private Sidney Platz, 21, joined the battalion at the age of 16 when he was still at high school."I thought it would build my character," he said."Opposed to my peers, who were sort of just wasting their time, I was going away to Wagga Wagga to complete my military training."
I learnt a lot about myself."Not many 17-year-olds get to do that, as opposed to just playing Xbox at home."
He said his favourite part of his service so far had been working in the local community."I've worked in the community in times of disaster relief and flood relief with the State Emergency Service and fire brigade," he said."Being able to serve my country and help out the community is a really important part of why I joined the Reserves."
From recruit to instructor
Photo: Norman Clapham MBE is the president of the 41st Battalion Association.
Norman Clapham MBE is the president of the 41st Battalion Association, a group of ex-members who volunteer to help current soldiers and maintain the museum at the base
Mr Clapham, 79, joined the battalion in 1956 at Nimbin."A lot of my friends had joined and I was the odd one out, so I decided to join and then I decided I really liked it," he said."The comradeship just seems to grow on you."Mr Clapham began as a recruit, worked his way up to warrant officer class one and became an instructor."The discipline here is great and there are so many young people who could benefit from joining,"
he said."When you go back to your civilian work, it gives you a greater understanding of what's required of you.
"Bosses appreciate anyone who has been through the service because of their discipline and the way they carry out their orders.
"The teaching part has been my highlight. I've had a lot of joy from it."Mr Clapham was never called to battle."We were always prepared but never called upon," he said."And I think we were very lucky."
In the minority
Photo: Private Elizabeth Church works as an administration clerk at the 41st Bttalion. (ABC North Coast: Samantha Turnbull)
Private Elizabeth Church, 44, is and administration clerk with the battalion.
She joined five years ago and said it was one of the best decisions of her life."I believe in serving my country and I was really passionate about that," she said."I wanted to wear the green, I wanted a challenge and I wanted to meet like-minded people.
"She urged more women to consider military careers."I'm definitely in the minority as a woman," she said."Our aim is to get more women into the Army in general.
"Not enough women represent."
Rich experiences
Photo: Private Graeme Bray is a cook for the 41st Battalion. (ABC North Coast: Samantha Turnbull)
Private Graeme Bray, 42, is a cook with the battalion and joined in 1994.
He had previously served in the Gulf War with the Navy, but said some of his strongest memories were based around events on home soil."One Remembrance Day here in Lismore one of the school teachers asked if some children could come and talk to us," he said."I said 'Of course, it's a free country,' but these children were Sudanese and Congolese and, after seeing us, ran away and were frightened.
"Those sorts of experiences stay with you."Meeting so many people and seeing so many places, it's all been very rich."
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